Until I Found You

906 22 36

*TW: A previous 'yes' turning into a 'no' in terms of sex (the sex is not actually happening when this occurs), and a bit of forceful grabbing.*

As the sun peeked through the curtains the next morning, Georgia stirred - going to stretch until she felt her limbs knock into a hard surface. She grunted softly as her eyes fluttered open, and they immediately widened when her sight was met with a muscular chest with swallows inked across the collarbone. It was then that her head began to ache, and she let out a groan while pressing her palm to her forehead - eyes squeezing shut as if that would help dull the pain.

Knowing that medication was needed for this headache sooner rather than later, Georgia skillfully wiggled her way out of bed without disturbing Harry, and she started down the steps with the kitchen as her destination. She stepped into the room, and she started searching the cupboards for a couple of glasses. Once she located them, she got both her and Harry a glass of water, and scarfed down a piece of bread to help absorb the alcohol still in her system, before heading back up the stairs.

She set a glass of water down on each nightstand, and then she quietly made her way into his ensuite to search the medicine cabinet she had seen last night for some ibuprofen. Sighing happily once she located the bottle, she placed two of them in her hand before easing back into the bedroom.

Sitting on the side of the bed she slept on, Georgia popped the two pills into her mouth as she grabbed her glass of water - quickly bringing it to her lips to wash the tablets down. She grimaced at the roll of her stomach once the water hit it, and she shook her head. It had been a really long time since she had allowed herself to consume that much alcohol, but she couldn't deny that she had a good time with Harry last night.

Georgia laid back down on the bed pulling the covers back over herself as she snuggled closer to Harry once again. She felt slightly creepy, but she couldn't help but to admire him as he slept. He was truly the most beautiful man, and maybe even human, that she had set her eyes on. She knew her emotions towards his appearance also stemmed from his personality, and how gentle he was towards her. Some women may turn their nose up at how tender Harry could be. They could see it as him treating them as something fragile, even though they weren't, but Georgia didn't see it that way in the slightest.

Harry respected her, and she knew that he was gentle with her because he was just a gentle human overall. She had never met a man that was interested in her, or treated her in such a way, but the more she was around him, the more she grew to love it.

Slowly lifting her hand, Georgia grazed her palm against one of his defined pecs - bottom lip captured between her teeth. She could lay here all day and stare at him. She could take in the sculpted features of his face, and then the defined muscles that adorned his body. Her thighs clenched as her eyes dropped to the waistband of the joggers that hung on his hips. The leaves of his fern tattoos peeked right over the edge of the material, and all of a sudden she was thrown back to a hazy memory from the night before.

She had practically whined about the fact that Harry didn't want to have sex with her last night.

Her stomach sank as she shut her eyes, shaking her head at herself. How could she have been so stupid? They were both intoxicated, and she understood why he didn't want to escalate things any further. Part of her just wanted to leave - to collect her things and order an Uber to take her back to her place so that she wouldn't have to face Harry.

That plan wasn't an option anymore when she felt him stirring beneath her palm, and she looked up to see his eyes fluttering open. She watched as his eyes searched around the room for a second before it seemed he realized there was a body pressed against his. Looking down, Harry's eyebrows raised to his forehead for just a second, and then they settled - a small smile gracing his lips.

Georgia [H.S.]Where stories live. Discover now