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Evangeline's eyes fluttered open, much like they did almost a week ago now, but this time she woke with a dull ache between her legs. Once her mind focused on the soreness that lingered, the events from early that morning with Harry came rushing through her mind. He had taken her. Twice. And he had given her four orgasms total. She couldn't remember the last time she had more than one orgasm in a night - even when pleasuring herself, which wasn't that often.

It was then that she realized she was in the bed by herself, and she sat up quickly to look around the room better. Only a few seconds later, the door to the en-suite opened, and she saw Harry stepping out. A towel hung low around his waist while rubbing another over his damp curls.

"You're awake," he commented with a smile, tossing the second towel back into the bathroom before walking over to the bed. "How did you sleep, Evie angel?"

Evangeline's heart fluttered when she heard the new nickname leaving Harry's lips, and she followed his movements as he leaned down - face hovering over hers. It was almost as if he was checking before kissing her.

"I slept so well, Harry babe," she whispered as she cupped his cheek in her palm. She grazed her thumb delicately along his skin pushing herself up a bit to have her lips press against his.

Harry hummed, one hand reaching down to smooth over her side with the other pressed into the mattress to keep himself from falling on top of her. He ran his tongue along her lower lip, and it caused her to let out a small giggle - their lips separating with a small smacking sound.

"Let me brush my teeth, and then we can kiss all we can, yeah?"

Smiling, Harry nodded as he moved away from the bed so she could stand up. Once Evangeline did, she stretched her arms above her head while rolling her neck from side to side. "How did you sleep?"

She made her way into the en-suite, and Harry's eyes were glued to her the entire time. The shirt that was his hung on her torso, one that she decided to put on right before they fell asleep last night, and her ass cheeks hung out from underneath it just slightly.

He was dumbfounded that he had such a vision inside his home - inside his bedroom. It almost seemed too good to be true. "Very well with you beside me. You were the perfect warmth all night."

Evangeline smiled sheepishly in the mirror as she heard Harry's words before she realized she didn't have any of her toiletries here. "Oh, do you have an extra toothbrush?"

Her question knocked him out of his thoughts, and he walked into the room to join her. Shuffling through one of his cabinets, he found a new toothbrush, and he handed it over to her.

"Thank you," she said, pressing onto her tiptoes to sponge a kiss to his jawline before making her way back over to the sink.

Harry walked into this closet to pull on a fresh pair of briefs, and a new pair of joggers before he walked back out, still seeing Evangeline brushing her teeth. He walked up behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist as he rested his chin on her shoulder. Their eyes met in the mirror, and Harry wished there was a way for him to get this reflection etched into his mind forever.

He watched as her mouth curled up into a smile around the toothbrush, and he slipped his hands underneath his shirt that adorned her body. His palms smoothed over the skin of her stomach, the shirt raising just a bit which caused his eyes to flash down to her bare core for just a moment before he met her eyes again.

"You're so pretty," Harry mumbled against her skin as he pressed his lips against her cheek. "You don't even understand how lucky I feel, Evie."

Harry only removed his hands from Evangeline to allow her to lean over the sink to spit out her toothpaste before his hands were back on her, but this time she was turned to face him. "Oh, but I think I do. I feel just as lucky to have you."

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