Desperate Times

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"Edwards, we're firing you."

Those are the words that ruined everything. All I can do is sit here in utter shock, but there's nothing I can say to change their mind. "I'm sorry, is there something- anything I can do to fix this? You can lower my pay, give me a lower position, anything please. I can't lose this job."

My excessive pleading did nothing to change their mind. My boss replied, "Mr. Edwards there's nothing you can do to fix this. We've had you with our company for almost 2 years now and you've been late almost every day, barely get work done, and frankly annoy all your colleagues. There's many more reasons but I won't get into those at the moment. Honestly I don't know how you haven't been fired already."

"Please just give me one more chance! I can make all this up I swear." I beg hoping to not lose my nice job.

"Jake Edwards, you've had way too many chances. More than you deserve. We're letting you go and that is final. Get your things together and be gone by the end of your shift." My boss said showing no remorse. I get I haven't been the best employee, but I didn't realize I was that bad.

"You'll get your final paycheck next week on Friday, your regular payday." My employer added.

"I understand." I step out of my bosses office distraught. I was so lucky to get such a good job but now I've blown it. Maybe if I worked harder, maybe if I was less lazy, maybe if I was the least bit competent I wouldn't have been fired. That doesn't matter anymore though, and bringing myself down won't make me feel any better. The end of my shift was inching closer so I go and get my things and clock out. I get to my car and sit in the parking lot for a bit thinking over all the ways I could have kept my job. After a few minutes of self deprecating jokes I drive home.

I arrive home to my trailer I live in with my 2 friends Fred, Darrick, and my dog Tibolt.

"What's up Jake!" Fred yells from the kitchen

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"What's up Jake!" Fred yells from the kitchen.

"Dude I just lost my job."

"No way for real? Dude how can you lose that good of a job."

"I really don't know man I have no clue what I'm gonna do. I'm getting my last paycheck in about a week so that's good I guess."

"JAKE LOST HIS JOB??" Darrick yells from their room carefully listening in on our conversation. Darrick runs out of their room to the kitchen to join the chat.

Fred turns to me and says, "Dude you know you're gonna have to find a job fast. It's hard to find jobs right now but I'll help you look."

"I know man. I just don't know where to start." I reply.

"I know a place!"

The moment Darrick says that I jolt up and look their way, "WHAT WHERE?" I yell.

"Uh that place on bank st. Pickle Bills." Darrick quickly responds.

"Oh yeah I know that place." Fred says. "Their kinda shitty but there always hiring so I'm sure there desperate."

"Ugh I really don't wanna have to work there. I've never seen a good review for that place plus the last time I went there they were ass." I say contemplating my options.

Darrick says, "I don't think there's many other places in town hiring though."

"Man, desperate times call for desperate measures Jake." Fred adds.

I let out a sigh. They do suck, the first and last time I ate there I got food poisoning but if I got a chance to get employed anywhere then I'll take it... even Pickle Bills. "Alright I'm gonna drive up there and see about getting an interview after dinner."

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