Pickle Bills Lobster House

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Two and a half stars. As I drive to the restaurant I look them up to get a little more info about the place. I've only been there once so I'd like to know others experiences online. All I see is over priced and sickening food. Whatever I just need a job. "Not like this'll be a big thing. This is just to hold me over till I can get a good job."

Right as I walk into the establishment I see only a few old people inside eating. I walk up to the counter and see a girl with long brown hair, blue eyes, and black round glasses. "Uh hello." I say reluctantly.

"Hello, are you here for pickup or to dine in?" The woman says in a monotone voice.

"Um, I was wondering if you guys are hiring?"

The girl seemed somewhat annoyed but calls for her boss. A tall man with a blond buzz cut walks in from the back. As he walks in my stomach immediately turns. He was wearing a blue backwards mlb cap and a black shirt with white text that states, "I'm the realist slim shady" not professional in the slightest, but something about him he's so..

"Hello!" He puts his hand out to mine for a handshake. Awkwardly I grab his hand and try to give a nice firm shake.

"Hi sir, I was wondering if you guys were hiring."

He gives a warm smile and asks, "What's your name kid?"

"Oh uh Jake, Jake Edwards!" I'm trying to hide my nervousness but it's so easily shining through.

"Well nice to meet you Jake, I'm Nate, Nater Rater. Just sit tight for a minute I'm gonna get the paperwork." He quickly runs back to an employee only area.

Wow that was easy they must be really desperate. "Hi what's your name?" I say awkwardly trying to make small talk with the girl at the register.

"Michigan." She says barely bating an eye.

Oh god does she hate me already..? "Oh haha nice name! I'm Jake."

"I know." She says sharply.

"Oh yeah you heard me introduce myself already ahaha.." Oh I know how to lighten the mood, "What did the farmer say when he lost his tractor?... Where's my tractor?? Haha.. ha." She didn't seem amused.

I soon get called into Nate's office. I sit down in front of a nice desk, definitely not fitting the atmosphere of the restaurant. He hands me some paperwork and speaks, "As you can see we're very low on staff so to be honest I'm not really picky with who we hire. I'm gonna ask you some questions then have you fill out those papers."

Wow this place definitely isn't thorough but if I get the job then whatever. Nate begins his questionnaire. "Tell me about yourself." "What's your past work experience?" "What are your strengths?" Blah blah blah. I responded each time but the thing I'm really focused on is his... face. His eyes are so beautiful.. Oh god what am I thinking! This is some random dude that I just met. My face feels hot and my stomach has butterflies, I need to focus.

"You're hired!"

"Huh?" A rush of happiness washes over me with those words. I'm not exactly thrilled to be working at Pickle Bills, but it's a job nevertheless. I reach out for a handshake, "Thank you Mr. Rater!"

"I will send you an email with all the info you need." He says looking at me with a nice smile.

I smile back and walk towards the door to leave. As I'm about to exit a hear a voice yell out. "JAKE!" I quickly turn back and see its Michigan. "Have a nice night."

I grin and say back, "You too!" I walk to my car and smile to myself. "I think I'll like working here."

It's about 8pm when I arrive home

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It's about 8pm when I arrive home. Darrick and Fred are both on the couch watching Joe Dirt. "Guys guess what!!"

They both turn and simultaneously ask, "WHAAAATT?"

"I got hired! I'm gonna get emailed soon all the info I need."

Darrick's face lightens up at my words, "Wow already?? Man they're desperate!"

"Who cares at least Jake got the job!" Fred says excitedly. "I was not ready to have to split the bills between two instead of three."

"Make sure you actually do you job this time haha!" Darrick says giggling.

Fred laughs along. "Oh come on dude I got this! I can't wait to start working!" I say trying to hold my ground.

They both look at each other and Fred says in a joking manner, "Can't wait? Nah Jake what happened who did you meet?"

I instantly feel my face turn hot again. "What no one! I'm just ready to get to work!"

"Jake, you're the last person to be "ready to work" freshman year you had over 20 missing assignments. Heck the reason you got fired from your last job was because you didn't do anything." Darrick says.

They're right. I'm not excited about Pickle Bills. I'm excited to work with a certain someone, but there's no way to can tell Fred and Darrick that! "Man I'm going to sleep." I walk up to my room ignoring their jokes. I know they're well meaning and are just messing with me, but I've never felt this way before.. I don't know what to do with these feelings. "Whatever I just need to sleep. Maybe then I'll feel better in the morning." I change, turn off my light, and lay down in my bed trying my best to quickly get to sleep.

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