The Truth

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As I wake the next morning I see a notification on my phone. It's a link to a document sent from an email named "". The subject line states, "Pickle Bills Schedule." Yes! This Thursday is my first day, and I seem to be working the closing shift from 3pm-10pm with Mondays and Tuesdays off. I have 2 days until my first day so I'll have to find something to do in the meantime. I jump out of bed and run downstairs to tell the others the news. "Guys, I got my schedule!" I shout, maybe a little too excitedly.

"Jeez you're really excited to work at Pickle Bills. You weren't even this happy to work at your last nice job, what's so special about this place?" Darrick says playfully while Fred giggles along.

"Haha very funny guys." I say sarcastically. "The people I met there are just nice and I'm ready to work in a new environment, that's all." But, that's not all. I have never been this excited about a job in my life. Yes, I am sorta excited about the new environment, though it's not the best or even cleanest work place it'll be cool to work somewhere new. Still I can't stop thinking about... Nater. "Anyways, what are you guys doing today?"

"I have work in about an hour till 5." Darrick respondes.

"Yeah and I'm off today, but I've already made plans with my buddy John." Fred adds.

"Oh alright cool." Hm what am I gonna do all day? I don't got anyone to hang with and no one to really talk to. I start for my bed room once again and lay down for a bit. "What to do.." I think to myself. I don't wanna just lay around all day. I begin day dreaming just getting lost in my own thoughts.

*ding* A loud notification sound snaps me back to reality. When I look I see it's a message from my mom.

"Hi Jake this is your mom! We haven't spoke in a while, I was hoping to see you today if you're not busy."

Oh wow it has been a minute, I would love to see her! Just as I'm about to respond I remember my situation. I can't tell her I got let go. She'll be so disappointed in me. She was so proud of me for getting that nice job, she'll be so displeased to hear I work at some crappy restaurant called Pickle Bills now. However, I do still wanna see her. Oh I don't know what to do. After awhile of contemplating I finally text her back, "Hey mom! I would like to hang out too. I can come over soon if that's fine with you I love you."

She quickly responds back, "Ok I love you too see you soon."

Oh god now I have to think of how I'm gonna work this out. I can't just lie to her and say I'm still at the same job. Maybe she won't bring it up and I'll be able to just not talk about it! That's definitely not the best plan but what else do I got? I get dressed and exit to my car. I begin driving to her house, but the whole time I'm worrying. I'm scared she may bring up my job. Once I arrive at her house I sit in my car for a few more minutes. A few more minutes hoping I'll come up with a better plan, but still nothing. After a while I understand I won't come up with anything good. I walk up to her door and knock. In an instant the door swings open and I see my mom. She rapidly goes in for a hug, clearly overjoyed to see me.

"Jake I've missed you so much!"

"Mom it's only been-.. I've missed you too!" I want to say it hasn't been too long to not seem too desperate to see her, but whatever. The reality is, I did miss her a lot. I really did need to see her.

"Come in, come in! Make yourself at home Jake. There's so much I wanna talk about."

I follow behind her to the living room and seat myself on the couch. It's comfy and reminds me of home. Being in here brings back so many nostalgic memories. Some good some bad, but overall happy times.

My mom sits across from me in her couch chair and begins talking,"How's life been? I know you've been at that nice office job for almost two years now!"

Fuck. "Oh yeah it's been good! It's a really nice job!!" I say clearly hiding something, trying to laugh it off as I speak making me seem even more suspicious. I've never been the best liar.

"That's great! Have you gotten a raise yet? I think you deserve it, you've been with them for a while now." She says somehow believing my clear lie.

"Oh no I haven't yet! I'm sure I'll get one soon though." I need to tell her the truth. I need to tell her I got fired. I just don't know how she's gonna react.

"Jake are you ok? You seem really nervous, is there something you're not telling me?"

Oh god, she can see right through me. "N-No why would I hide anything from you!?" I begin stuttering and appearing even more anxious. If it wasn't clear I was lying before, it's painfully obvious now.

"Jake what's wrong? You're not telling me something and I can tell." She says seeming half worried and half annoyed.

"Well, I." I try to tell her but my breathing gets heavy and it's difficult to form words. "I got.. I got fired." Right as I say this I close my eyes preparing for whatever she has to say.

"What!? You got fired? How could you lose such a great job, after so long too! Jake what are you gonna do!" She responds basically how I thought she would. She's disappointed in me, nothing new.

"I'm sorry.." I say while looking at the ground, too scared to even look her in her face.

"Don't be sorry to me. Tell me why you lost your job and what your gonna do about it."

I can't tell if she's pissed or not, but I respond, "Well they said I've been late too often and don't do my work properly. My boss said I'm annoying and basically a huge distraction." He didn't exactly say that I'm a distraction, but you can tell that's exactly what he meant.

My mom sighs, "I'm sorry. I'm not mad at you, but you need to do your job. It's hard out there and I want you to be safe and be able to navigate the world. Not being able to hold a job isn't a good thing. It's been hard to get jobs lately, I don't want you strained out there jobless mooching off your friends." I can tell she's genuine and not mad at me. Still I'm really just disappointed in myself and assumed she would be too.

"Well I actually got a new job already."

"Really, so quickly you have a new job? Where?"

"Umm well. I got a job at that place Pickle Bills Lobster House.." I say a bit nervous she may judge me.

"Ohh I know that place. They're not at all good but I guess if you have a job that's all that matters." She says as she gives me a nice reassuring smile.

"Thanks mom.." We spend a few hours just talking about life. Telling jokes back and forth and asking for advice, all in all it was nice.

"Bye mom! I love you!" I say from the drive way getting in my car.

"I love you too! See you later Jakey."

I get in my car and start driving away. That visit was much nicer then expected. I thought for sure she would be enraged at me, but no! I'm glad. Things are going really well in my life actually. My mom isn't mad at me, I got cool friends and will make more at Pickle Bills, and now a new job! I'm excited to see where things go from here.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2023 ⏰

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