Hidden Identity

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-start at year 2011 = month November 25-
Missing Astronauts timeline

(page 1 - a spy?)
Meanwhile -"Okay time to visit, but...where is the way to the planet?"- (Person 6) said then goes to the squad, so the main city she went; the place is on the Plaza near the monument statue, -"Alright so if it's the late afternoon? where would they stay?...oh the library."- (Person 6) said, as walk in the library then looking around for them to 2nd floor -"where are they?!... And I found them."- (person 6) said as approaching to them,

-"oh Hello (Person 6), how are you?" - (Person 2) said but realized -"(Person 6) why are you here? I thought your in a mission?" - (Person 2) questioned. -"well...I have no idea how to get there, for rent a rocket is high expensive."- (Person 6) said concerning -"however your not even an astronaut."- (Person 4) said -"that's the point, (Person 4)"- (Person 2) said then (Person 1) now said -"no worries, let's find the history of the whatever called planet your searching."-

Thus they came to search, for a while and (person 1) saw a handbook -"here it is, but the small book is only one. Furthermore (Person 3) is already on the mission planet, as it was already half way finished, but he do ask us where the way mean the shortcut is in here."- as (Person 1) said that while (Person 6) was reading the handbook -" that's true you said, but this small book was wrote during the experience of one of the citizen there that says "deserted land and sometimes rain happen, to demonstrate rare animals are found and can survive here, if I'm correct are many. Most land than city nor towns, maybe no war, Instead an invasion happened. That's it. "- (Person 6) read -"it seems clear, so now you know the history of it. "- (Person 4) said

-"So (Person 6) as (Person 1)said the shortcut is in here."- (Person 2) said leading (Person 6) to the bookshelfs and (person 2) said go through it because it was a door, and (person 6) does when did it she fall from the edge while falling -"tell (Person 5) that I love the baked cookies, he made!"- (Person 6) shouted to them -"(Person 6)! You threw the cookies away cause he put 4 cups of salt instead of a pinch!" - (Person 1) shouted back, *thuds loud -"(Person 1), you don't really add an stack of hay there."- (Person 2) said then they closed the book self's and leave *hits the hays -"really no warning?"- as (Person 6) said then later got up; In fact the ground was sand and saw a up small passage vent, yet far away therefore she rush to go because running off time and almost night time as went to the vent.

*nauntog *crawl the way was forward to right then left, so forward to left finally forward that the end destination was there, next (Person 6) punch the cover metal thing and gone in the way *step on the ground in fact the ground, nor area was the same as the handbook had written -"the named planet was "AustraMars", wow amazing...oh I'm the only one here."- then she (Person 6) walk around the place to the front that seen a gas station and front was highway to nowhere, (Person 6) saw a convinient store at the back, -" so the city was nowhere to be found."- as said when goes to the inside of convinient store to stay; in fact there was a table and chair.

(page 2 - strange trap)

At the park it seems that everyone was not there, but Alicia saw anyone at the skate park; so she proceeds to check -there was a few of them...oh they stopped? Maybe having a conversation for a while."- she said in a distance then went the skatepark to approach them"the delivery boy was here," as surprised on her mind "well how am I gonna ask again? This is gotta be awkward" a weep in mind and sigh, -oh hello can I help you?- said the teen boy as them three looks at Alicia, but surprised of delivery boy suddenly hold then pull his friend's arm as sign of turn back to discuss.

; while Alicia suddenly forgot it, so thinking what she's going to say again, -hey Cyrus bud, you supposed to say "us" not yourself, for the accurate English."- the Deliviey boy said in a loud whisper -why are you correction tape me? Well I'm the one talking.- the friend said -"I think she's talkative."- their third friend said -"really, Gab?" - them both said in fast talk tone -"let her talk by the way, instead of discussing." - as the third friend said -"yeah Gab's right."- as the friend said, therefore they turn to her to let her speak -Alright, so I'm just asking of did you guys notice any strange happening around?- she said -well yeah.- the Deliviey boy said -really? Anyways what's your name?"- Alicia said -"introduce yourself?- the third friend said in a loud whisper, -" Okay so I'm Keizen Willie Also this is my buddies
Cyrus and Gabriel, no add names cause too extra for them."- the Delivery boy said -what!?- those two said in grumpy nor unfair tone.

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