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Emma POV

I sat at the bottom of the pipeline feeling disgusted and tired. I had already tried to climb up the pipe like a hundred times and all that I accomplished was a face full of moldy food and a bruise on my knee. I spotted anotger pipe and was about to climb up it when something hit me in the back of my head.

Making me fall face first into the pipe.
"Ow!!" I hissed yanking it off my head. I was beyond surprised to see that it was my jacket.
"Emma?!" I heard a familiar voice scream from the pipe I came down.

"Dad!?" I yelled jumping to my feet ,just as he came through the pipe smiling. I cheered before wrapping my arms around him in a tight hug.
"Oh Emma I was so worried your mother and I thought well that -"

" I had been grounded into pieces? Nope I'm all in one piece thanks to whoever turned off the blade." I reassured him and he smiled again looking super confident and relieved.
"Let's get out of here, shall we?" He asked

"Hold on just one question why are you-"
"So small ? Well that my darling daughter was the fabulous idea of Regina's." He explained making me laugh then I wrapped my arms around his neck and said
"Okay let's blow this popsicle stand !"

To be continued.........

Mommy ,Daddy I shrunkded EmmaWhere stories live. Discover now