The story follows the adventures of Max, or Paddle Pop, a young lion heir to the throne of the Lion Kingdom. He lost his parents to the antagonist Shadow Master, who had attempted to steal the Lion Crystals and achieve supreme power. However Max is saved by his tutor Professor Higgabotton. Together, he and his friends Higganbottom, Leena, Twitch, Spike, Kara and others attempt to collect the crystals themselves and stop the Shadow Master.
I'm not gonna lie- I thought this show was one movie-
Like I watched the first episode when I was younger, thought it was like an hour long because my brain had no concept of time whatsoever, and assumed it was just a movie- BUT APPARENTLY IT'S A WHOLE ASS SHOW?! There are other movies with the show but I've never watched them so I guess I'm just gonna put this in this book and not the other book-
Nostalgic Shows For Me as a Kid
CasualeI claim no ownership of any of the shows, cartoons or characters mentioned in this book. All of the blurbs for each show are just copy and pasted off of google. I love and cherish each and everyone one of these shows so credits to everyone who worke...