Last days at Lincoln

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Beep! Beep! Ugh, mornings. I roll over, groan, and stack my pillow on my messy mange of brown hair. Once I realize I can still hear the beeping through the pillow I give up. Rolling back over, I glare at the useless pillow (regardless of the fact that it's the closest thing I'll ever get to a boyfriend) and go to turn off the alarm, quickly realizing that it's not my alarm, but a FaceTime request from my best friend, Sam (short for Samantha). Looking at the clock, I notice it's friggen 6:00 in the morning!!! I answer anyway, not giving a crap about how I looked, until I saw Sam all dressed up in makeup and practically a prom dress. "Why the hell are you all dressy?" I ask, suddenly remembering my horrific bed-head.

"Jade! It's graduation day you ding-dong, how did you forget?!" She replies.

"Oh. Right." I say with less enthusiasm than I intended. My eyes widen as I wake up and notice that today is my last day if elementary school. Crap. "Oh my god! This is our last day at Lincoln!!!" I shout, but suddenly clamp my hand over my mouth, not wanting to wake my parents or my sister.

"Ya, sleeping beauty," she laughs " Go get ready!!! I'll see you at school."

She hangs up. Not having time to get all mushy about leaving the school, I grab my dress and my mom's makeup bag. My phone buzzes again and I pull it out of my pajama pocket, reading the text from my best guy-friend, Kaden,

"Hey, what are you wearing 4 graduation?"

I send him a picture of my dress and he sends me back a picture of his outfit.

"Getting dressed up for Sam are we? ;)". He's had a massive crush on Sam for quite some time now, it's actually really cute.

"Shut up!" He texts back.

"I gtg"

I stare in the dirty mirror. Ugh. This is going to be a long day.

After getting all fancy, I arrived at school, this was the last day I was going to call it "my school". I shook the thought away, not wanting to get emotional, and saw Sam and my other best friend, Jennifer. "Oh thank god you guys are here!" I say mid-jog.

"Hey!" Sam says enveloping me and saying, yet again how much she was going to miss the school. After hearing my fill of gushy nostalgic crap, I zoned out and just kind of started making a complication of the many times Dan Howell has winked at the camera. "Hey," I said, suddenly snapping out of my daze "I'll catch up with you later okay?" I say smiling.

I walk down the halls and remember my past years at the school. Looking at the kindergarten classrooms, I run my hand on the brick pattern as I continue walking. I remember all of the times I had here, good, bad, I remember when my cousin used to live with us. I remember the day the government stole her away. She had come to live with us after her mother had kicked her out of the house. She had slapped her, so my cousin, my Bailey had slapped her back, not knowing any better, after all she was only eleven. The next thing she knew she was on her way to juvenile hall. Soon to be on her way to our house leaving her mother, Holly behind. For a year she was my sister, my role model, living in our house, attending the local junior high school. Until they took her. The came and plucked her right out of our house, as if it meant nothing at all, well how could it mean anything to a six-year-old? I didn't see her again for a year or two, her hopping around from house to house, guardian after guardian. At some point she went to live with her mother again, not for long, however. the last time I saw her was four years ago. At my grandfather's funeral. I looked at her, ripped jeans, nose ring, tattoos, a pack of cigarettes in her pocket. Sixteen years old. I hugged her, eight year old me, what was I supposed to do? My father had told me I didn't have to hug Holly, but when she asked me to I didn't know how to tell her no. I remember how she smelled. Like smoke and cheap perfume and other nasty things. How could she act like nothing had happened?! Turning my Bailey into this monster? The day they took her my kindergarten teacher held me as I cried, as I wondered why they did what they did. Why they-

I suddenly heard my name from behind me. "Jade?" It was Kaden, "Why are you crying?" He asked stepping forward. Noticing the tear on my cheek as well, I quickly wiped it away, my cheeks changing into a dark shade of red. "Oh! Nothing." I lied, "Just gonna miss this place."
"Okay, whatever you say, the ceremony's starting so..."

"Oh, right." I say, managing a small smile and walking with him back down to the field where we would be "graduating"

After the cheesy ceremony I somehow survived about a thousand pictures where I had one of two faces: "I just got kicked in the uterus" Or "The person next to me forgot to wear deodorant". Goodbye safety. Hello middle school.

So, do you like it so far? Who am I kidding I don't think anyone's reading this but if you are, this is my first story on watt pad so I really hope you like it! Please comment and let me know what you think. Constructive feedback would really help. So until next time, BYE!!!

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