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I mean, I've always kinda had an issue with body image, and people like Gabe definitely didn't help. Hope has always been the pretty one, and I guess people at school didn't exactly make me feel great about myself. But everyone has issues with themselves. Even if it doesn't seem that way.

I just always wished I could look like those other girls. There was this one particular person. In fifth grade he just, well I guess he was just a jerk but he didn't really give up with the whole shaming thing. He would body shame my friends, but mostly me. Even people who were my friends would say something sometimes. I was little but I still remember every time someone commented on my weight or how looked fat or anything related to my body that I was taught to hate.

Well now I'm just ranting but that's what a journal is for right? But there are people who are good and have never said those things to me. Like Sam or Jennifer, though I haven't talked to her lately. 

I never really imagined that middle school would be this hard.  I mean I've heard it's everyone's awkward stage and teachers are weird but it's way harder than people make it seem.  Like that day when Gabe called.  Oh by the way, him and Sam are now dating, and I can't say anything to her because he may have dirt on my family that no one can know.  Ugh this year just sucks ass.  I haven't even wrote in here since four months ago when Gabe called.  Well I've basically become a full time couch potato.  Like I'll go to school, sleepwalk through the day, come home and watch glee till my mom comes home, eat, then sleep.  I'm pretty much the most boring person on the face of this earth :/ yup.  Wow I haven't even thought about this until I actually wrote it down.  I'm boring as fuck.  Well deal with it society.  If I want to be boring I'll be boring! I'll be a waste of space that has absolutely no usefulness in any---



"Gabe what do you want"

"Watch your tone, remember what I can do Peters."


"What was that?"


"I need you to do it again"

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