7 🖤 Insolence

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'Roxy, I already told you we need to get going,' you say, as you roll up the sleeves of your black dress shirt, and stand up from the bar stool.

I stay sitting, wink at the barman as he places another margarita in front of me. He's been giving them to me every time you wander off to talk to someone. Serves you right for not paying me enough attention.

I need a bit of fun. This week's been hardcore at work. Too much going on – all the bloody time. And now my father has directed all enquiries to my mobile phone so there's no escape. But, it's finally Friday and I've left my phone at home. I'm not planning on looking at it all weekend.

I'm light headed with freedom, giggly with alcohol, and ready to poke the hornet's nest to see what happens, so I stay firmly planted on my bar stool, as I stare back at you.

You see it, the challenge in my eyes.

'Roxy. Stop.'

I smirk, 'Stop what Daddy? I didn't do anything. I'm just sitting here drinking my drink. I swing my legs, still smirking.

Your jaw ticks, I see the glint in your eye.

'Oh, Daddy's got the flinty glint in his eyes. Not getting annoyed are you, Daddy?' I pick up my glass, suck on my straw, making my cheeks hollow out. Then I turn back to the barman and bat my lashes at him.

'Enough, Little Doll. You're pushing my patience. This is not a game you want to play.' You lean in close to me, and say, 'Anymore of this and you'll be back in the basement.'

I roll my eyes, swirl the ice around in my glass, and say, 'Oh, look Daddy. I've finished my drink.' Then I turn to the barman, about to order another one, but the barman clocks the look on your face and disappears down the other end of the bar.

I feel your arm around my waist as you propel me off the stool, and over your shoulder.

'Get off me!' I yell, as you carry me towards the exit and out into the cold night. 'You fucking maniac.'

Arriving at your car, you dip down to open the passenger side door, and throw me in it. Then grab my face, squeezing my mouth open, and say, 'Don't you fucking dare get out of this car, Roxy. I do not have time for this today.'

I can see you're serious, furious, and about ready to explode. So I wait for you to walk around to the other side of the car, and as you open the driver side door, I fling my door open and make a break for it. I run across the car park, climb over the wooden fence, and keep running into the woods.

I'm glad I'm wearing boots and not the heels you told me to. I run until I'm out of breath and then I stop and look around. Shit. I have no idea where I am. I rub my hands up and down my arms. Where's my coat. Oh, no, it must still be on the back of the barstool, inside the club. My black sequined mini dress does nothing to keep out the cold. I'm starting to sober up fast. What the hell was I thinking?

But I know what I was thinking. I was thinking that you weren't giving me enough attention. I was thinking how annoying you are, always busy with work, never switching off.

'Roxy,' you shout from behind me. 'Come back now, Little Doll, and we'll forget all about this. You know how much you hate being left out in the cold.'

Fuck. This is stupid. I want to go home, put on one of your warm hoodies, curl up at your feet, on my leash and watch a zombie movie. But I know you. You won't let me get away with this insolence, even if I turn back now.

'Come to me, Little Doll.' You call to me in that sing song voice, the one that scares me and makes me wet, all at the same time. 'I promise I won't hurt you. Let me take you home. I can be gentle, you know I can. I'll even let you choose the movie, if you come now.'

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