8 🖤 Unbinding

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Half way back to your place you pull the car over to the side of the road, get out and walk to the trunk at the back of the car.

My heart sinks, wondering if we're about to hit a new level of punishment. But when you come around to my door and open it, you have a cashmere blanket in your hands.

You lean me forward so my head is almost on my knees, and with great care, unbind my wrists and my arms. I roll my shoulders in relief, as you sit me back up.

Wrapping the blanket around me you say, 'I'll go back tomorrow and pick up your jacket, Little Doll. Would you like me to stay with you tonight?'

The turn in your mood is extraordinarily. I thought, for sure that there was now question that we were on the way to mine and I was on the way to the basement.

I nod my head and you smile.

You crouch down next to the car, gently trace the patterns left on my arms from the leash, and say, 'That was harsh play tonight, Roxy. Are you ok?'

'I'm good, Jack. I promise.'

'I'm proud of you. But, you do know I still have to punish you. Don't you?'

My stomach contracts. I'm cold, exhausted and have the beginning of a hangover. I nod, 'I know Daddy,' I whisper.

'But not tonight, Little Doll. Tonight I want to tend to you.' You look at me with hooded eyes, as if you're breaking some kind of rule, and say, 'Is that a weird thing to say?'

I shake my head, my whole body relaxing, warmth flooding my brain. 'No, not weird. That's beautiful.'

'Good then,' you say as you stand and gently close the car door, then walk around to your side.

We don't talk on the drive to my place, but it's not an uncomfortable silence, and I feel like I am with you in your solitude, rather than trying to fill the gaps of it. More like a pet with its master than two humans.

You carry me from the car, into the house, still wrapped in the blanket and place me on the sofa. I drift into a daydream as you potter around the kitchen and the place starts to fill with delicious aromas, making my stomach growl.

'You want some help, Daddy?' I call to you in the kitchen. 'Do you know where everything is?'

'Little Doll, if I wanted help I'd ask you. Now be a good girl and stop doubting me.'

I smile at your strictness and sink into the sofa. Everything now aching, my knees throbbing.

You bring me spaghetti and sauce on a tray, with a huge glass of water and place it on my lap. Then sit on the sofa next to me watching me eat.

'It's delicious,' I smile, then frown at you, 'Are you not eating, Daddy?'

'No, Darling. I'm not hungry, but you need to keep your strength up.'

Half a bowl in, my stomach is full, and I'm struggling to keep my eyes open.

'Come on, Little Doll. You need to eat it all.'

'I can't,' I huff. 'I'm too full.'

You scoot over next to me, take the fork from my hand and twirl it into the pasta. 'Open your mouth, Little Doll.'

I open my mouth. Chew. Swallow.

'And again.'

I shake my head.

'Little Doll, I need you fit and well rested. You need to look after yourself to be fit enough to play with me. Don't make me ask you again.'

I open my mouth. Chew. Swallow. Until the bowl is empty and my head is nodding. I'm in a strange half asleep, half awake dream state when you peel the blanket away from my legs. I moan and open them.

I hear you chuckle, 'Oh, Little Doll, are you ready to go again?'

'So tired,' I mumble.

My knee stings and I open my eyes to see you kneeling on the floor, cleaning my it with a cotton wool ball and ointment. You tend to, first one, and then the other. Then blow on them both to dry the ointment. You sit next to me and pull twigs and leaves from my hair, and finally you use the cotton wool balls, dampening them in my glass of water, to wipe the dirt from my face.

'In the morning I'll bathe you, but I know you're too tired now.'

'Thank you, Daddy,' I murmur.

'Good Girl. Now, time for bed. You have a big day tomorrow.'

I feel your arms sliding under my back and my knees, pulling me to your chest. I sink into you as you carry me up the stairs and lay me on the bed. Then start drifting off to sleep in your arms.

'Beautiful Little Doll. You belong to me,' you whisper, and it sounds like a spell. 'Only me. You are my property, never forget that.'

I want to tell you that I cannot belong to anyone, and that I belong only to me, but in this moment I know it would be a lie. In this moment you have me owned completely.

I drift off to sleep, knowing that tomorrow is a new day, and I haven't been punished yet...

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