(Chapter 2)

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[Ello everyone! Just so everyone knows I'm cross posting this on Ao3 and maybe Wattpad as well. My account names will be on the bottom of this chapter!]

(Chapter 2)

(Ven POV)

When I tell you I damn near fought for my life trying to get away, I'm not exaggerating. I had to get away from Starscream's dirty servos and I tried, emphasis on tried, to get away from Soundwave.


I'm trying to stay silent but having your ribs get squeezed tightly as I'm being carried through a ground bridge is kinda painful.

When all of us get to the other side, I will personally say that my bones do in fact feel like they're vibrating and my intestines don't agree with this new feeling.

I groaned as I tried to pull my knees up to my chest, trying to fight off the feeling of nausea and the additional pain that isn't making anything better. I whine as I feel the feeling of Soundwave's extra appendage squeezes me just a little tighter.

“Goddamn. Squeeze the life outta me why don't ya. Are you trying to break my ribs?”

This made Starscream snap at me.

“Quiet you insolent insect!”

I turn to look him up and down despite the pain that I'm in. I give him a judgmental look and roll my eyes.

“Like you know the meaning of the word.”

Just when Starscream turned to me and raised his claws threateningly at me, Megatron intervened. He stopped walking, which caused Soundwave to stop walking. I wish he didn't though.

I immediately snapped my mouth shut and I looked a different way, not willing to look at anyone, especially Megatron's, eyes when he turned around.

Megatron's gaze felt very uncomfortable, I don't feel generally intimidated, but it was still very uncomfortable. He didn't even have to say anything, just glare and stare. Oooh rhyming!

Sure as hell made Starscream shut up too. His wings dropped down and his shoulders bunched up. It looked like he was trying to make himself look smaller so that he wouldn't be seen or in the line of fire. Pussy.

Once Megatron turned and started walking again down the hall, I looked at him. I just realized how quiet he was, and it wasn't a good quiet either. It was more of a ‘I’m feeling bothered by something and nobody knows what's bothering me but me’ vibe. Eh. I might just pester him, but I value my life, just a ‘lil bit.

When we took an unexpected turn, I jerked slightly and I wheezed. The feeling of nausea never went away fully and I was clenching my eyes shut, focusing on trying not to puke on anything. My stomach was empty and puking ment making myself dehydrated. I hadn't drank any water or eaten anything, so I'm pretty sure that I might pass out later. Eh. We'll see.

When we walked to a door, it opened immediately with a whoosh sound and we all went. I opened my eyes reluctantly and I glanced around quickly before my eyes landed on a very familiar, and very shiny, cherry red mech. My brows raised slightly and I just stared at him before closing my eyes and internally groaning in annoyance.

Knockout is one of my favorite Decepticons, but his vainness annoys me sometimes. His finish may be absolutely stunning in person, but goddamn. I'm gonna have to suck it up. Absolutely nothing's making sense to me right now and I'm just rolling with the punches. My mind actually hasn't caught up to the fact that I almost died while free falling in the air. I'll probably scream about it later.

Knockout whipped around and immediately bowed once his eyes saw that Megatron was in his workplace.

“My Lord. How wonderful for you to visit. Is there something you need from me?”

Holy shit is his voice more smooth in person. In the show he had a nice voice, but actually hearing for myself? Ugh. Damnit. Making me jealous and shit. He's actually more pretty in person too.

Anyway, when Megatron spoke, I just listened. I was trying to sound out if his voice sounded different than it did on screen, and boy. Whooo. This man's voice is rumbly as sheeeiiitt.

All the Megatron fan girls are probably jealous. Eheh. They shouldn't be anyway. I'm a pussy and a minor, so I ain't trying shit.

“Give the human a check up, and figure out why they are giving off a Cybertronian life signal. I demand results shortly.”

And he just walks out. Felt like pressure was removed from my chest.

I huffed a quiet sigh and flinched slightly as Soundwave dropped me on a counter somewhere near one of their big ass consoles, making me stumble slightly as I tried to get my footing.

I didn't notice how Starscream sneered at me as he made his reluctant leave. Ah, he mad he can't hurt me. For now. I'm gonna have to come up with an escape plan in the future, huh? Damnit. I'm too lazy for this shit.

As I'm busy just getting lost in my head, I also don't notice, or hear, Soundwave leave the room. Bro is quiet as fuck.

Once everyone has left, I look at Knockout. I stare and I blink once he turns to look back at me. He grins and I know that I'm in for a long sleepless night.

[@Mother_Venomous for Wattpad, Mama_ Venomous for AO3, and Mama Venomous for Fanfiction.net]

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