(Chapter 6)

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[I just got bombed with a whole plethora of ideas and they’ll soon come into the book. I’m also excited to read your guys' input too to see what you guys think. Also if you guys have some ideas for future chapters I’d love to hear ‘em]

(Chapter 6)

(Ven POV)

Starscream was annoying, but I had begun to think of ways he could be useful to me. He’d probably make a good alibi for me when I unintentionally get in trouble with Megatron.


Starscream had ended up leaving after a couple hours, giving my poor bleeding ears a heavenly break.

I sighed and I fell to the ground on my back with a huff. I had thought up ideas that could keep me alive. Some have a high chance at working, others, not so much.

One idea of mine is that I’ll try to find ways to become useful as much as I can and try to keep any unwanted attention off my back. The other is me becoming an advisor of sorts for Megatron, try to guide him in the right direction if you will. Becoming an advisor doesn’t have a higher chance, but it would be perfect seeing as I know I’ll probably be here for a while. I’m even starting to wonder if the series has even started yet. It might have, but I’m gonna need to find out how far in the series I am.

As I got lost in my thoughts (again), I had hardly noticed how Laserbeak, Soundwaves symbiote, had detached from his chassis and made his way towards me. He even made these cute little chirping sounds when trying to get my attention.

I snapped out of it as soon as Laserbeak nudged me slightly, making me flinch violently. I ended up sitting up quickly and snapping my head to the side. I see Laserbeak and I make a strange sound between cooing and wheezing. I put a hand on my chest for a moment to take a breather since Laserbeak scared the ever living shit outa me, got my heart racin’ an shit. Making me feel old.

I glance at Soundwave for a moment before looking back at Laserbeak with curiosity. He looked exactly like what he did in the series, all sharp angles. He was still adorable though. And he chirps so that further proves my point at how adorable he is.

I reach my hand out and Laserbeak gets close for a second before pulling back as soon as Soundwave looks our way. I blink and I pout. I had hoped to get close to Laserbeak while I was here, but it looks like Soundwave is a little protective. I don’t blame him though. I’d be protective of Laserbeak too.

I laid back down and I just relaxed. I’m pretty sure that i’d get bored in no time.

Wait a minute… hole up…

I totally just forgot that I had my phone on me.

I immediately dug into my pockets to fish out my phone. I nearly screamed over my phone (again). I took a deep breath in order to not scream and I turned my phone on.

I searched through my phone, knowing that I had no service, but still checking everything to see what did and didn’t work.

So far, I know that my fanfiction is safe and I know for certain that all my information is still safe.

I continue to mindlessly scroll through my phone, absolutely forgetting about the fact that I’m still in front of Soundwave, scrolling on a phone that he might think that I’m using to call for help.

When I see the metal tentacle, I immediately recoil and burst into an upright position. I had ended up tripping for a moment, but I staggered to get to my feet. I’ll be damned before the dark noodle man gets my phone. Fuck that.

I ran to the edge of the counter that I’m on and I looked down momentarily to see the fall. I wince and I take a step back. I may be slightly confident, but I ain’t that confident. I turned to see Soundwave and my brows furrowed as I saw that he was watching me closely. He wasn’t moving, just staring. Creepy.

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