(Chapter 1)

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[There will be no romance here. I was going to do it, but nah. I'm a minor so that's a big fat no no.]

Chapter 1

(Ven POV)

I was in my room when all the crazy shit happened. Just on my phone, reading fanfiction, watching TikTok and just being lazy all over. I had no idea what to expect when I suddenly sank into my bed and was free falling through the air at concerning speeds.


Screaming at the top of lungs and flailing my limbs through the air as I free fall down to the ground below is terrifying, especially when you know that the fall is going to end in your inevitable death. I actually ended up just going limp as I continued to fall, coming to terms that I might die and all that shit. This would be a weird way to die, but okay.

Just as I was about to come to terms that my life was gonna end at just sixteen years, I stopped mid air, like, just, mid air. I didn't move, even when I started flailing my limbs again wildly.

“Okay. What in the ever living FUCK is going on!?”

I was beyond confused. First, I, for some odd fuckin' reason, fall through my bed, my lovely, heavenly bed, and end up popping up in the air and dropping to my death. Second, I just stop. Mid air. Matter of fact, I'm still in the air. Is everyone else confused? Because I am. I don't like this.

Just as I was about to randomly scream my lungs out again, I somehow, some way, and for no reason at all, ended up face first in the goddamn dirt. I'm safely on the ground though so I can't complain, but really? Give me a mouth full of dirt why don't ya.

I get up and I dust myself off and check myself over. Head? Still attached. Everything downward? Intact. I look around and will very admittedly say that I cursed up a storm and screamed out in outrage as I saw that I was in the middle. Of. Nowhere. Literally. I'm in a fucking desert.

I threw a few rocks in my moment of outrage and calmed myself, reminding myself that I have no water, no food, and no possible way to contact anybody, since apparently, my phone didn't make it through the weird transportation hole that ended up being underneath me in my bed. I almost cried at that. Damn. Now I want my phone… wait. Did I actually check? Hol up.

I immediately patted myself down quickly and I screamed out in happiness as I found my phone in my pocket. I set my phone on my chest and I just took a deep breath.

“Damn. I'm way too attached to my phone.”

I'll be free to admit that I was very attached to my phone. It had all these fanfiction stories that I've saved over the years and I was literally not ready to part with that.

I checked my phone service, and imagine that, none. I'm not even surprised. I just sighed and put my phone in my pocket. I looked around at my barren surroundings and I groaned as I realized that I would need to walk. I just huffed and sucked it up. Can't really get anywhere when you're a bitch.

That's my thought process as I walk until the sun begins to slowly go down. I'm panting and stumbling, trying not to trip on any rocks or slip due to my feet hurting and my legs shaking. I pant as I just sit down and lay on the ground. I put my hands over my eyes and I groaned. Man. I'm fuckin' exhausted. At least I'll probably lose weight.

I could tell that I was dehydrated. My mouth was dry and my body was exhausted. My lungs felt like they were being stabbed with every breath I took and my intestines felt unnaturally cool as I took in gulps of air.

When I didn't feel as pained anymore, I sat up weakly and I sighed. I could tell that I might pass out soon. My head felt full of fluff and my eyes were droopy.

I laid back down and I looked up at the sky. I feel annoyed. I don't wanna be here dammit!

As I'm going about how I don't wanna be here and just resting some more, I don't hear the sound of an opening ground bridge. What do hear however, as well as feel, are the thunderous footsteps of multiple beings.

I jerk myself to awareness as I quickly get to my feet to see what was going on. When I stand up, I'm shell shocked. My mouth is hanging open and my eyes are damn near popping out of my skull as I see characters that I thought I'd only see on a screen.

As I continue to stare, I come to terms that right now, I'm in danger and I have a high possibility of dying right now.

Standing right in front of me just so happens to be everyone’s favorite tyrant, Megatron, his annoying SIC Starscream, and everyone's cherished TIC, Soundwave.

Just as I was probably about to burst out in excited squeals and cry fearful tears, Starscream, the big bitch, speaks.

“This is where the signal is coming from? A pitiful human?”

Starscream had a disgusted look on his face as he looked upon me with disdain. I give him a dirty side eye and I scowl.

“Who da fuq do you think you're callin' pitiful you walkin’, talkin' bitch?”

I immediately closed my mouth after that. I had an ‘oh shit’ look on my face as soon as I said something. I smiled awkwardly and I duck my head slightly.

When I looked at their reactions, I didn't see a whole lot, but I did see the stripper look hella offended. Megatron only raised his brow and I couldn't see shit with Soundwave.

As soon as I saw Megatron turn his head slightly to address Soundwave, I knew that I was either dying or just got a ticket to staying on the Nemesis. Not gonna lie, both options terrified me, no matter if I was a Con lover/Transformers fan or not.

“Bring them aboard the Nemesis and find out how the human is giving off a Cybertronian signal.”

I sputter for a moment and I internally groan as I realize that I was in for a crazy future that I sure as hell didn't want.

[So this is how I would actually act and all. Also all this is happening before the Transformers Prime series actually starts. I know that some of you probably liked the first coming of the book, but it was horrible man. It was my very first and almost nothing came out right. This rewrite is actually my apology to you guys.]

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