Brief intermission

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Hello guys! First, I want to thank you guys for commenting on my story so far! I'm really glad you like it so far. I was a little worried at first that it would be a bit boring without all of the Kung fu or romance action starting off early on in the story, so I'm glad you guys have been entertained so far.

So, just real quick, I'd like to make a few announcements. First of all, just in case you guys weren't aware, KFP 3 has been moved from March 16 to January 29 of 2016. Also, on a happy note, for those of you who didn't know about it yet, the trailer for Kung Fu Panda 3 has just been released. I tried to post it on this chapter, but if you can't get to it from here, it's on YouTube. I don't want to give anything away, but....the training hall looks wicked....and Tigress has a nice new shirt on....and...oh, just watch it!! Trust me, you'll LOVE it!!!

Well, that's it for now. Next update will be on Friday, so.... Just a spoiler hint for you guys who are reading this, Tigress won't get the hint she likes Po for a few more chapters, and the awesome action of how I think KFP 3 will go I plan to start either in August or September. In the meantime, if you guys have any suggestions of what else to do, (such as what other kind of situations to put Tigress and Po in), feel free to make suggestions in the comments. Well, that's all until Friday. Bye guys!

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