Grab the Pendant!

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35 days and counting....

Kai began to stand up to face Po, only for the panda to strike him across the ridge and into the side of the mountain.

"First you attack my friends and the people I help, then you destroy the only home I've known, then you come here and try to destroy the home my kind have settled in, and now you're going to hurt Tigress just so that I'll be your lackey?!"

Kai laughed, his pendent beginning to glow. "That's your reason for attacking me?" he asked with a cackle. "Just to get revenge for hurting your girlfriend and your family?"

"I'm not getting revenge," Po answered flatly, his eyes narrowed on Kai's pendent. "I'm stopping you so that you don't hurt anyone else, including people I never knew! Like the Phoenix Order! And other people I'm sure you've harmed along the way!"

The panda proceeded to charge at Kai, but the bull let out blasts of green energy from his hands in an effort to knock him back. Because the ledge wasn't very spacious and left little room to dodge, it didn't take Po long to get knocked down. Kai laughed and proceeded to create an even bigger energy ball and threw it at the Dragon Warrior. Po tried to dash out of the way, but he got his with the enormous blast of energy which resulted with him getting flung across the mountain passes and onto a grassy ledge far into the mountains. Po hit his head hard on the ground and let out a gasp as the air got knocked out of him. He weakly began to stand up only to hear a loud  thud directly behind him.

"Growing weary, are we?" Kai mocked, whipping his swords out threateningly.

"Nope," Po lied. "Just warming up...."

"Well then, that was the poorest warm-up I've ever seen!"

The bull laughed and tossed the swords at Po who dodged and rolled out of the way. The ledge was very thin however and the only way down was a very rocky not to mention dangerous climb. This of course left Po very little options as well as very few places to go to avoid getting sliced by the villain.

"Would you you stay still?!" Kai bellowed, whipping the chains about in an effort to either slice or trap the Dragon Warrior.

"And become a mind-controlled slave who conquers China?!" Po exclaimed. "I don't think so, buddy!"

"Oh, come now, it wouldn't be that bad. Just think about it as this: you'll still have a job, you'll be fighting alongside the greatest warriors of all time, and you and Tigress still get to intermingle."

Po eyed him. "What are you talking about?" he asked suspiciously, dodging a near decapitation.

"I have her chi; I could easily make her into a Jade Warrior and then you two could fight side by side. Isn't that something you've always wanted?"

One of the swords managed to clip Po in the arm, resulting with him letting out a cry of pain. Kai took advantage of this and wrapped the chained sword around the Dragon Warrior, yanking him over and knocking him onto the ground. Po groaned and looked up at the bull, and angry expression plastered on his face.

"I wanted to fight alongside her when I was younger," he finally answered. "But now that I already am, I have other dreams in mind. And the one I'm thinking about doesn't involve you at any point in time!"

Kai responded by picking the panda up and smashing him against the side of the mountain. With a laugh, a green glow emerged in his hands and Kai proceeded to grab Po by the shoulders and thrust the light into his abdomen. Po let out a cry of anguish as he felt a searing pain ride through him.

"How very precious, Dragon Warrior," Kai mocked. "But in case you haven't noticed, I am completely unstoppable! Unless you want to kill me, which I know you won't, you'll fall under my control soon and then all of China will be mine! Right alongside my plum blossom."

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