The Yin-Yang Warrior

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42 days and counting....

For the end of this chapter, I decided to implement the idea suggested by CrazyFangirl246 and MC-Magic-Mage suggested. Now, it's not going to be exactly the same as the suggestion, but I still liked the idea. (Actually, you guys may have caught the suggestion in the last chapter, Broken Deal....Sh.......).

Po stirred groggily, his head feeling extremely heavy and a long garment draped over him. (Which made him feel even more sleepy). As he started gaining consciousness, he realized he was in a boat which was steadily moving through water that reflected the golden sky around him. Startled by this, Po sat up with a start, immediately seeing that he was wearing a black and white shirt with golden cuffs and crapped across his back was a golden cloak.

"What the-?" Po said in surprise.

"Well, good afternoon, Dragon Warrior," came a familiar voice.

Po spun his head towards the other side of the boat where he saw Oogway balancing on the edge of it.

"Master Oogway?!" he exclaimed in shock. "How are you here? Where am I? Um...please don't tell me I'm dead."

Oogway chuckled in amusement at the response. "For now," he assured Po. "You have nothing to fear. You are still alive and right now, we're both in a transcended part of the universe."

"Soooo..." Po said slowly. "In other words, I'm dreaming?"

"In a way."

The Dragon Warrior went to scratch his head, only to find that he was wearing a straw hat. "Any particular reason why I'm wearing these fancy clothes?" he asked the old tortoise. "I mean, not that I mind since they look awesome, but normally when I get knocked unconscious by a baddie, I don't dream about rowing in a boat with a fancy cape."

Oogway chuckled again. "All shall be revealed in due time," he promised. "In the meantime, you have a calling you must still fulfill."

Po looked at him in confusion, but he had no time to ask any questions as the boat reached a small island with a peach tree resting in the middle.

"Come,"Oogway instructed, hopping out of the boat.

Po followed suit, asking, "So, am I having one of those universe dreams that Shifu tends to get, or am I actually sleeping and Kai's about to kill me with his swords? Because if it's the second one, I'd kind of like to wake up and not die...."

"Kai does not plan to kill you. But if he succeeds in controlling your mind, which is his intention, all shall be lost. That is why you must train."

"Train for what?"

Oogway simply walked onto the water, creating a very small yin-yang that allowed him to stay upright. He turned back to Po and said, "You must find your balance."

Po eyed him. "My balance?" he repeated.

"Tell me, what do you plan to do once you have defeated Kai?"

Po froze, thinking about it. "Um... I don't know," he admitted. "I mean, dad wants me to stay here and marry Mei-Mei, but I don't like her that much, but I don't want to just leave dad in the dust like that since he's trying so hard to get to know me. But then dad also raised me my whole life and I have a job back at the valley, and I love Tigress...if I ever get to actually say that to her...which I probably won't since now she probably wants to kill me for kissing her...maybe." He glanced back at Oogway. "Oh, I think I see where you're getting at. Which is a first for me."

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