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"What if I don't want our night to end right now?"

Bodies pass back and forth between Billie's eyes. Different scents enter through her nostrils and the only thing her ears are listening for any hint of a wrong word, a wrong step, or complete utter silence.

The last two hours consisted of admiring eyes taking in her appearance, waiters offering her drinks, and a lot of men asking for her number. Although her attitude told others to fuck off. Of course, it didn't stop Marcus Franco.

America's Playboy.

Known for his inheritance of his dead father's money and his fuckboy ways. He was every girl's dream and nightmare. Through this facade of a life he was living, surprisingly, he was doing something decent with his father's money.

More like something that was required of him. He walks the hall paying respects to his late father's friends and colleagues, who are all gathered tonight to participate in an annual charity event.

But of course, young Franco is a boy. So he's unable to control his hormones just for the sake of the event and he already chose his woman to toy with tonight and tonight only.

But Billie was an interesting woman. Unlike any other woman.

So when Billie doesn't respond to his original question, he takes it as her playing hard to get. "Cat got your tongue, huh?" He flashes his pearly whites to Billie, who is still unfazed by him.

"I can speak." Billie snaps back fiercely and Marcus holds his hands up in defense, chuckling softly. When he reaches his hand out and goes to grab Billie's waist, the girl has to remind herself that she can't kill him.

The last thing she wants is eyes on her for killing the son of a wealthy man.

Instead, she takes a step back and rejects his touch. She walks away from him, ignoring his demands for her to come back. She walks further to the entrance to the door and exits, breathing out loudly when she feels the air on her face again.

She goes over to lean on a brick wall and looks onto the street unsuspectingly. A cab pulls over in front of her and she's prepared to shake her head to decline the ride the driver is going to offer, but instead, the door opens and out comes Elias in front of the girl.

Billie's eyes go wide in anger and she does him the favor of letting the cab driver drive off before going off at him. "Before you y—"

"What are you doing here?" She asks him calmly. Elias is dressed in a black suit with a red tie and he raises a brow at Billie's reaction, since he was expecting more of a punch to the face from her.

"I didn't want you to be here alone." He answers and it doesn't help his sake. "I specifically said this isn't a safe place for you tonight."

"I don't need your protection, Billie." He shakes his head quickly. Knowing she won't get through him, she stops speaking and takes him in and nods. "You look nice." She grumbles under her breath.

He smiles at the shorter girl and follows her back into the building. He looks around and takes in his surroundings and a small glimpse into his friend's life. "I can't believe you actually showed up." Billie turns back to look at him.

"You like my company." He replies back to her. She doesn't say anything about his comment and continues to walk until she hears something and stops.

"What is it?" Elias looks down at her. He sees as the look in her eyes falter and it's almost like he can't tell if it's his Billie or not. "Billie." He says her name again.

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