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A fool.

A total fool is what I am.

The words leaving Alexandria's lips come muffled in my ears as I sit down in the slightly uncomfortable dining chair, adjacent to her. "Would you like a moment alone?" Alexandria's asks me once more and I don't even have the strength to answer.

As much as I didn't want it to be true, it all made perfect sense. My own men that came with me mysteriously turning around and trying to kill me. Walter not picking up my calls. The hotel saying that I don't have a card on file. The person having a photo of me. And those words...

"And what kind of soldier doesn't realize that her own country has sent her on a death mission?"

I wasn't supposed to make it out of France.

My very own country, the country that I have given my life for, sent me to France to get me killed.

Not only do I feel like a fool, I am so confused. I've been scrounging through every thought in my brain to try and find a reason why they would want me dead.

"How much?" I look up from my hands on the dining table. Her eyes capture my own and shivers run down my spine and goosebumps dance across my skin.

"Pardon me?" She furrows a brow and a sigh leaves my lips. "How much did they offer? For me?"

She looks at me again and it's hard to even begin to decipher the looks she sends me or how to read her facial expressions. I didn't expect this moment in my almost thirty years of living.

Sitting across from someone I took a literal oath to kill on sight. Finding out that I was sent to another country to be killed. I feel as if I'm in a world ending breakup. Are these what teenage breakups feel like?

"Ten million."

I rip my eyes away from her and tuck a strand of my hair behind my ear, looking down at the plate of food that I have left untouched.

"And you mentioned earlier that they think I'm dead. How does that work?"

"We were able to send some photos while you were unconscious." She answers me. All I can do is nod at her words and try to keep the rage I feel from bubbling over.

I am so angry beyond words I feel I could light the entire place on fire and sitting and having dinner in front of Alexandria Deveraux is not helping cool me down at all.

I guess I have stopped trying to kill her but me finding out that my country's betrayed me isn't going to stop me completely. She's still a bad person, but one thing at a time. My eyes avert from my lap to the dining table when she slides something over.

Low and behold, it's a check, an American check. For ten million dollars and at the bottom, it adorns Walter's signature. So she isn't lying, as bad as I wanted her to be.

I lift my index finger and fling it off of the table. I watch it fall onto the floor and I stand up, walking away to anywhere that is away from her.

"I can offer you ten times that amount."

I shake my head at those words. "I will never work with you, so you can forget your offer."

Alexandria's chuckles dryly and I turn back to face her. Her freshly manicured nails clinks against her wine glass, lifting it up to her lips. "Interesting, I never thought an American would say no to money."

"What I want is to go back home."

She places her glass down and stands up from the table. Her heels clink on the marble floor when she steps her way closer to me until we're face to face. "You and I both know what happens the second you're seen."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08 ⏰

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