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The Aconitum flower is one that was never supposed to be discovered.

The plant that is also called "Wolf's Bane" is dangerous and can kill its victims by a simple touch. The strong fast acting poison can cause nausea, vomiting, followed by a heart attack. Just by a touch. Imagine what it could do if it was consumed.

It is rumored that women who were abused by their husbands and fathers would use the Aconitum to rid themselves of the men who were plaguing their everyday lives.

And of course, it was Elias' favorite flower.

Not only was he a great stylist, he was also a cute nerd who knew everything about plants and botany. And while he knew the dangers of the Aconitum flower, it was something that he studied religiously.

So as Billie stood at the back of the large crowd, her gloved hand holds the purple flower delicately in her hands knowing it's the least she could do to honor her late friend.

The crowd is slowly exiting the gates of the graveyard and soon Billie is the only one left in there, so she approaches the overturned dirt and looks down at it unsurely.

Believe it or not, this is Billie's first funeral she's ever attended and she hoped it would stay like that. It was why she didn't keep people around to long to build a connection with them, knowing a moment like this would happen.

Everybody dies.

But damn, Eli was just one of a kind. A boy with a bright heart and gentlemen way who just slipped his way into Billie's life and for some odd reason, she allowed him to stay.

She knew she would regret it. She knew one day, it would all come crashing down and she would lose him, but she lived in the facade that he was a sense of normalcy. At least what she thought was normal.

If only, she could rewind the last week over. If only he never showed up, if he only he never saw her for what she truly was. If only, he never left the hall, it would all be fine.

No, he would still hate you.

But at least, he would still be here.

Billie was a reaper of souls. Death followed her wherever she went, but never did it hit this close, never did she think that another tally of deaths marked by Alexandria Deveraux would be a tally she held dear to her heart.

She kneels down near the dirt and lets out a breath. She couldn't cry anymore, she had cried enough. She places the flower on top of the dirt and stands up again. "I know you left this world hating me. Because you found out the truth," She starts.

"But I hope now wherever you are, you understand. Why I did what I had to do. Why everything I've done has been done. None of this was a choice,"

"I'll find her. I'll make her pay. I promise you that." She nods one final time and steps away from Elias and one step after another, she makes it closer out of the graveyard. She looks back one again and looks away for the final time.

Bidding a final farewell to her one and only dearest friend that this sick world offered her.

The young girl is ecstatic as she jumps off of the school bus and screams a goodbye to the bus driver. She skips up the long driveway as fast as she can although her big bookbag weighs her down.

She arrives at her front door and opens it, walking in and shutting it behind her. Immediately, she turns around and rises to the tip of toes to lock both locks of the door. After that, she drops her bookbag to the ground and runs over to the kitchen where she spots her mother.

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