A simple boy

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The world was in a state of near war. What was supposed to be a time for peace quickly turned into one of war. With the Zeus and Hera familia killing the one-eyed black dragon, celebrations around the world were heard.

But after those first few months, the nature of every living thing bared its fangs. Bloodlust and war quickly broke out.

The Empire. A location west of Orario had invaded its border and ravaged its lands. In retaliation, Zeus and Hera went with their Familia's to put a stop to this.

But the battle was bloody and costly. But in the end, they achieved their goal. They pushed the Empire and their dark Jedi back. But peace was never made, and only a ceasefire remained in effect. One that would surely be broken soon by the warmongering nation.

However, Zeus would have to leave and go back to Orario as news of Meteria's child being born reached them, but also news of her death reached them as well.

Leaving Bell an orphan as his father had died in the war. He was a Jedi as well and died holding a strategic mountain pass by himself. He held on just long enough for reinforcements to arrive, but his body wasn't able to be recovered because of the mountain of corpses that littered the battlefield.

So Zeus transferred all of his followers except one to Hera. She agreed to stay and hold the line while Zeus raised Bell. However, Meteria's sister Alfia decided to go along with them. She wasn't going to let Zeus corrupt what was her sister's legacy. So she transferred over to Zeus's familia, and she, Zeus, and Zald left for Orario.

The journey was long but easy. Since Zald and Alfia were both highly skilled Jedi, they encountered no problems on the road. After a week, they arrived at Orario and quickly made their way to the Wheat manor.

Before leaving, Hera had asked Demeter to watch over Meteria while she was preoccupied with the war. Demeter, of course, agreed, not able to bear the thought of leaving a child to suffer if she knew she could help.

So when they arrived at the Wheat Manor, Demeter stood at the entrance holding a baby Bell in her hands. When Alfia saw the boy, she wept as it meant her sister was truly dead. Her sister had died, and Alfia was on the other side of the world.

She wasn't by her sister in her final moments. She was off fighting, fighting like she always did.

Demeter handed the child to Alfia, and when she saw those innocent red rubies staring back at her, she vowed to protect this child with her life.

Demeter offered them a place to stay in her Manor, and the three agreed. None of them wanted to go back to the Olympian manor. It was a big place with no people. The silence would get to them, and despite the fact Alfia liked silence, she knew it wouldn't be fair for the other two.

So they lived with Demeter, and Bell grew up in a loving environment. Alfia, at first, didn't know what she was doing when taking care of baby Bell. It was Zeus who had to show her how to take care of him.

Something Zald found very amusing. So, as the years passed and Bell grew older, he began to help out around Demeter's farm. It was small tasks at first. Like taking a cabbage to a basket or fetching some water.

But as he grew older, he was given more ways to help out. Such as now when he and his Grandpa were making a delivery to a village not too far from Orario.

Bell and his Grandpa sat in a wagon being drawn by a horse. It was full of food, mostly vegetables and fruit. They were heading to the village of Jelkala, 20 miles north of Orario.

Bell was around seven years old and looked at the scenery around them. He had only known the Wheat Manor and Orario, so exploring the world, even if it was close to Orario, was cool for him.

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