we ball

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"fuck it, we ball."

jason is a fucking bitch.
he's the silliest fucking bitch ever.

"jason, when i called asking you for advice on how to not be bored i did not want the response to be 'fuck it, we ball.'"

i like listening to jason tell me about my life.
i've never played a sport before.
somebody rang my phone.

"oh, sorry jason, someone's calling- who's juno?"

'juno.' i don't know that name.

"c-clem wait! don't!-"

i hang up on jason.
i pick up on juno.



"i heard about your memory loss thingy. sydney told me."

who's sydney?

"are you okay?? i've missed you."

"who are you?"


"sorry, i don't rmember people anymore. i only remember jason."

"who the fuck is 'jason?' wh??"

my best friend.

"he's been my best friend since freshman year."

"clementine, i've been your best friend since freshman year. you don't know anyone named jason."

yes i do.

"i don't appreciate you trying to convince me that my friend isn't real."

i didn't appreciate it. but something in the back of my mind couldn't help wondering if maybe juno was telling the truth. i don't care.
it is always raining.

"(sigh) ok clem. sorry about all of this. i hope you.. get better soon. bye."

"bye, j... juno?"

"yeah... bye."

he hangs up.
the line with jason is still open.

"-what is he doing c-"



"hey! juno told me he's never met you."

"oh. he hasn't ever met me. none of your friends ever really met me."

are you real?

"can you come over? it's always dark. it is always cloudy. i am always alone."

"clem, i..."

why wouldn't he be able to come over? it's not like i'm contagious. i mean, i don't go to school anymore so a lot of people probably think it is and that's why i don't go to school. but it's not.
is it?

"ok. i'll come over. just... just wait and don't pick up any calls from people."

i love it here.

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