Ice milf

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He start off with kakyoin and Daito in the room

Kakyoin: hello our first waifu despite being cold sure is fire please welcome Melony

The camera pans to melony the thicc ice waifu

The camera pans to melony the thicc ice waifu

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Melony then giggled

Melony: oh no applause talk about a cold reception~

Kakyoin: hahahahahaha!!

Melony: I feel like I'm being put on ice right now

Kakyoin: haha you can stop with the ice jokes now

Melony: hey kakyoin maybe after this we can go back to my IGLOO

she was giving off a cringy vibe

Kakyoin: please stop

Melony: but I guess I should be surprised since I'm Ice cold

Her eyes were changing that he a more demonic look to them

Kakyoin: the cringe the cringe

Daito is seen vomiting

Daito: you know what fuck this bitch

He then pulled out a gun

Kakyoin: no dai you can't shoot a waifu they're protected under the government since president obama

Daito: thanks a lot Obama

Melony is now T posing in the air

Melony: don't worry these jokes are the tip of the ice burg

Before she could freeze then the toon of the hour showed up

Before she could freeze then the toon of the hour showed up

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Berry: HIIII


Berry: wait are you telling that this waifu is torturing you two with ice puns for no reason and the cringe is gonna cause you both to freeze

Both of them were surprised by that

Daito: uh yeah how did you know that

Berry: it was a hunch now it's time

Melony then looks at berry

Melony: well hello there cutie what's your name

Berry: my name is Berry Han who are you

Melony: me name is Melony it's Ice to meet you~

Kakyoin: the cringe make it stop

Berry: ha good one melony

She was surprising by this

Melony: you like my pun like to hear another one~

Berry: yes please

The other two: NOO

Melony: aww don't be so cold I'm just trying to break the ice

Berry: hahaha that's so cool if you know what I mean

Kakyoin: not you too berry

Daito: oh god

Melony: wow nice got another one for me darling

Berry: sure unlike these too I'm cool as ice in this group~

Melony was instantly smitten with him as she looks at him with lust and heart in her eyes

Melony was instantly smitten with him as she looks at him with lust and heart in her eyes

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Melony: I love you~

She then floats down as the cringe stops and the walks towards Berry while swaying her hips

Melony: well in all my years of life I've never met anyone who likes my puns

Berry: well that so cold of them because your puns are hilarious

She then wrapped her arms around berry and pulled him close to her face

Melony: hey want to go somewhere where it's just the two of us I promise you'll have a cool time

Berry: I like the sound of that where do you want to go melony~

She then takes her hat off and puts it on Berry head and the grabs his hand and leads him out the room

Daito: wow he just stole your waifu

Kakyoin was fuming


Daito: I'm pretty sure he just did


Berry then ran to Kakyoin with sign that says kakyoin season


just then a bunch of shotguns shot and kakyoin and killed him

Berry: Sorry Daito he was asking for it

Daito: god damn it

Berry then leaves with Melony and they have some fun

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