We go to another episode and we see Daito and Berry giving Kakyoin a shady look with there current guest Chun li and Berry two waifus are at his house
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Daito: run that back
Kakyoin: I like Cammy more
Berry in a rare sight seems to be steamed with anger
Berry voice sounded demonic with a double voice that filled everyone in the room with dread
Daito: woah dude what's wrong
Berry: just hearing him dis Chun li the queen of fighting games who is blessed with thick thighs and big ass two of my biggest fetishes into one just really pissed me off
Chun li: oh yeah and what does she have that I don't
Kakyoin: well she's British for one
Berry calmed down a bit okay that's good
Chun li: of course the Brits would stick together
Kakyoin: I'm Japanese
Chun li: then why do you sound British
Kakyoin goes to speak but is silent
Kakyoin: and second she does have flabby thighs
Berry felt something snap in him
Chun li got up and broke the table in front of her
Chun li: say that again I dare you
Kakyoin: she doesn't have Flabby thighs
Chun li: that's it you asked for it
Berry ears are full of steam
But soon everything freezes and Berry ends up in his mindscape with Ken Masters
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Berry: Ken masters what are you doing in my mindscape
Ken: dude you gotta help me my wife is getting ready to take my kids
He then breaks down on the ground
Ken: she's getting ready to take my kids
Berry: I'm not a marriage counselor Ken but I'll help after and I teach kakyoin a lesson
Ken: oh dude just use your super
Berry: my super
Ken: worked for me now here's a 20 page plan on how we can save my marriage
Berry then comes back to reality with kakyoin getting ready to parry her
Berry regained his anger and was steaming from his ears
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Berry: oh no you don't
Berry then jumps to him and punches him in the but and continues to punch him in the face till blood comes out and eventually kills kakyoin
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Berry then takes a deep breath and calms down
Berry: hmm I'm back now
Daito and Chun li were surprised by this and somewhat scared
Daito: Jesus dude remind me to never piss you off
Berry: you shouldn't but Chun li you should I don't think your thighs are flabby infact I love them
Chun li: you do
The blushes
Berry: yeah thick thighs saves lives after all and you have a nice ass
Chun li: oh yeah you think you can prove it~
She said sounding suggestive
Berry just grabs her and kisses her a bunch with hearts around him
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Daito: ugh PDA
Berry ignores her and keeps kissing her and he eventually stops
Berry: so wanna join my harem
Chun li: you bet your sweet ass I do gum balls
Berry then went back to kissing her and they eventually did next to kakyoin corpse