So after the events of the tsunade interview Kakyoin got really mad and Tsunade took Berry with her on a beach trip and she says that she got a big surprise for him at this beach
Berry: so Tsunade what's this surprise you wanted to show me at this
Berry was going to as the beach wearing nothing but shorts and he is showing off his muscular shota body
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Tsunade: not far Berry we are almost there also I never knew you had such a muscular body under your clothes
Berry: thank you I know a really good training regime plus it gives the girls something to look forward to
Berry thinks back to the training he did
(This gave him his body in like 1 hour)
Tsunade: well Berry if you showed off your body more wouldn't more girls want to join your harem
Berry: oh that will make it too easy and I want to come to after using my silly rizz
Tsunade: oh you oh look we're here
They arrived at the beach
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Berry was jumping up and down
Berry: ooh beach time yeah
Tsunade: and that's not all I have some girls I want you to meet
Right on cue some girls come
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