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Tom riddle aka Voldemort awoke on a bed memories flooding his head and for a moment he was confused was he Thomas grunt  6 year old orphan or was a  he 60 year old   dark lord ? Slowly the memories settled and he could think. It seemed he was reborn in an alternate universe where his name was Thomas grunt which was offen shorted to tom . Tom let himself smirk this meant he would not have to suffer as a muggle born in slytherin again his name would make it clear he was of wizarding blood. He's only 6 in this universe so that meant Hogwartswhen he turned 11.  Tom was surprised out of thoughts by the head of the orphanage leading someone to his room."and this is one of our older boys." Tom looked up to see the shock of his life it was his father tom riddle who stared down at him "what is your name boy ?" Tom responded "Thomas grunt." The man tilted his head "so she named you after me even after running." The man chuckled "how amusing" the man  sombered up but tom was confused by his father's words didn't his father cast his mother aside? Tom realized things really were different in this reality he only had to find out how much. The man walked away o ly to look back questioning "are you coming?" Tom rushed no matter what anything was better than the orphanage. Tom riddle his father led him outside and tom was shocked to see his father pull out a wand. riddle smirked at him "so you know what this is then" tom nodded still recovering from his shock. "A wand father." The man smirked and separated them away. They landed at riddle manor and riddle pushed him in the door. His father shrugged off his cloak before walking up the stairs "come boy we have much to discuss." Tom followed his father to a door which opened up to a study his father sat in the chair behind the desk while tom sat in the chair on the other side. "Thomas" his father began "how much do you know about our world? About your past ?" "I know witches a and wizards are real I know I have magic but otherwise.." tom shook his head to much was changed from his original reality. Riddle sighed "your mother didn't leave you  a note before she abandoned you? He said running his hands through his hair. Tom shook his head "I thought mother died giving birth to me"  The man growled eyes flashing red. "No she was alive i tracked her down but finding you my son was much more difficult she hid you well." Tom was confused and tilted his head to show it his father sighed "thomas what your about to hear will be hard to hear it might not make sense to you but first," the man summoned a bottle from somewhere and poured out some of the dark red liquid into two glass cups and handed the boy a glass "drink" Tom lifted the cup to his lips and found was soon as a drop touched his lips that he was drinking greedily. The glass was drained to quick but tom could feel affects on him his felt stronger less weak his father was quick to refill Tom's glass and tom drank like a man dieing of thirst again and again this repeated until finally tom felt for the first time in this new body full and an ache in his body had faded. "Thomas you are a pureblood wizard as well as a  full vampire." Tom's whole world stopped right then and he dropped the glass in horror realizing what he just drank the glass shattered around him. Riddle sighed and vanished the mess and looked at his son with gentleness "thomas I know this isn't easy to accept and I know I tricked you into drinking blood but trust me when I say without blood you would have died. Thomas I found you just in time to stop your body from killing itself  only  your magic has protected you from that fate so far." Tom's mind whirled "how much longer until I would have died ?" Tom's voice was strangled riddle sighed "a few days at most I knew from the moment I started looking for you the clock was ticking." Tom realized his father in this timeline had raced to find his son before it was too late and had found him in just enough time. Tom shook his trying to clear it trying to to cry but as irritating as it was he was still a child being shown affection and care for the first time in this life let alone his other life. "Why didn't you find me before ?" Tom said with tears in his eyes "your mother laid several false tails so I couldn't find you. But rest assured thomas your mother paid with her life for taking you from me." Tom stared at his father in shock "why not just make her give my location?" His father smiled Fangs on display."oh I did but even she didn't know what orphanage she left you at  as she visited so many. She was very careful your mother never learned the names of anyplace before she left." Tom understood now his father truly had been looking for him. "Now thomas we must go over your future. " his father said leaning forward "you are a pureblood as well as vampire and from now I expect you to act as such. You are of noble birth I will not tolerate disobedience. "  tom nodded his head. "You will receive tutors and you will learn from them." His father's voice carried a warning in them as well as dark magic filling the study . Ah his father was trying to bat him. Tom didn't raise to the threat only nodded his head to show he understood. But he did release a bit of his own magic which he found was easier to achieve now he had some blood. The two dark magics mingled and reconciled father to son. This father smirked at tom "is this all you release thomas ?" This time tom did riase to the bate releasing his magic from its box that he kept it in. Riddle laughed stunned "wonderful!" The man turned took at tom "you are very powerful my son." Tom smirked as he replied "I'm your son aren't i?" The answer pleased his father who smiled before reigning in his magic tom did the same. "Nixy!" His father called and tom had to jump at the house elf appearing. "Yes master ?" Riddle stood up "you are now Thomas's personal elf show him to the heir rooms." The lef bowed and tom was stunned to realize his father had given him an elf just for him. He knew pureblood did this for their children but had never expected it. His father got up and left the room but turned at the lady moment "welcome home thomas." He said before disappearing out the door.

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