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Tom was shown to his rooms which was different very  different from the orphanage that the 6 year old part of tom feels overwhelmed but he pushes it aside. Seeing he had a personal study with books on it he made his way over (studies of vampires) (a pureblood's way) (the dark side of grey) were a few titles tom thought for a moment na picked put two books (studies with vampires) and (a pureblood's way) tom made his way to the desk sat down and began to read. So absorbed was he he didn't hear the door open and his father peak in. The older vampire relaxed at seeing his son peacefully studying even taking notes on the book infront of him. Tom riddle was impressed by his son he had just got here and he was already studying? What a smart boy. The man stepped in and cleared his throat "Thomas." Fast as lighting riddle had to dodge a flash of magic. Riddle made a note not to surprise his son it seemed the boy didn't react well to such things. "Sorry father you startled me." The boy didn't sound sorry but riddle shook it off "it's fine Thomas it's time for lunch." Tom got off his chair and followed his father down stairs and still down until they came to the cells  which held both held people in them "choose one thomas. The ones with magic dont die as easily but muggle have many unique flavors." Tom followed a dizzying scent to see a man curled up on the floor. The door opened for tom. Tom struggled against his instincts only to feel and hand on his shoulder tom looked up to see his father his eyes were gentle "dont fight it let go tom it'll be ok I promise. The next thing he knew tom was surrounded by dead bodies and blood the blood was everywhere. Tom heard a laugh from the top of the stairs his father laughed again "oh tom that was brilliant. You slathered them all." Tom smirked it seemed his father really liked his son in this world. Tom had always been blood thirsty now it was just personified differently. His father called him up the stairs and tom obeyed. His father led them up to the dining room where a full feast waited tom sat down waited his his father was eating and began to eat. "Father if I may ask why did mother run from you?" Riddle looked up from his food sharply "that is hardly a matter for the dinner table thomas. After dinner this evening perhaps we should talk about this." Tom nodded returning to his food he caught his father's true words talk was not for lunch or dinner for that matter . Tom understood that after lunch his father left again leaving tom to his own devices. Tom explored the manor it was the same was he remembered the last time he was here only now the lights were lit and cobwebs didn't cover every wall. Still tom explored he knew his house elf would report to his father about his actions and wanted to seem like a normal child in at least one aspect. After exploring tom went back to reading he was almost done with (study with the vampires) when his house elf told him it was time for dinner. Tom sighed marked his place and walked to the dining room where his father waited "thomas for future reference dinner is always at 7pm lunch at 2 pm and breakfast at 9am." Tom nodded "I'll remember father." He promised sitting in the chair he had for lunch. Tom had a habit of chosing one seat and not giving it up in both worlds. Dinner passed in silence which tom was fine with he was going over what he had just read (a vampire child is highly dangerous fanged at birth and capable of using magic just weeks after birth. Although this comes at a cost without an elder vampire to teach the child to feed the child will either lash out feeding on the nearest source or they will slowly die.) It definitely explained a lot about this life he was jerked out of his thoughts by his father standing up tom followed his father back to the study."now you have asked me about your mother so I will give you the whole truth. Your mother was a near squib who foolishly thought her love potion worked on me." His father chuckled humorously "when my vampirism came to light she fled unable to cope with the fact she married a vampire. she left you and returned to her father's hut. Her father returned her to me her rightful husband. I think you know what happened next." Tom nodded "why did you stay with her if you were not infact under her spell?" His father laughed "because she was a good fuck boy no matter her looks." Tom felt no urge to defend his mother so he chucked. "Thomas when your mother learned I was vampire she...well ran and hid you when I found her again she bragged about the fact I would never find you before it was to late." Tom's mind whirled so his mother knew that her abandonment would kill him a question came to him "if I'm a full vampire then how was..."he trailed off "you turned her when you revealed yourself." Riddle nodded his head "I did and she turned the gift away  in spite running from me and hiding you." His father let out a low growl "she bragged about pulling out your Fangs when you were born." Tom eyes widened "you've already regrown them. For a baby vampire it is easy just a bit of blood and good as new but it's not so easy for adults." Tom let out a growl himself "I .am. not. a.  baby." His father stared at him in amusement "vampires live a lot longer than humans thomas a vampire is a baby vampire until the age of 11. Which is when you will go to Hogwarts." Tom forced himself to relax and ask his next question "so at 11 I'll be considered an adult ?" His father laughed shaking his head "dont be in a hurry to grow up thomas it will come soon enough." His father ruffed his hair tom let him his father pulled himself together "but to answer you question no you'll then be considered a vampire child until your 17th birthday then after that a teen then when you hit 21 you'll be considered full grown and an adult." Tom daughter the words full grown and looked at his father questioningly "a vampire baby has use of his powers but a vampire doesn't get his full magic potential until they hit 21. Your magic and strength with continue to grow as you get older now on to other matters" . His father said clapping his hands "you are not the only vampire baby we have found." Tom looked up intrested "a few days ago we uncovered a 4 year old vampire baby by the name harley black. As vampires themselves the blacks will be coming over to met you you will play nice with harley thomas or I will spank you." Thomas nodded "harely has been abused heavily by the leader of the orphanage so she might need time to get used to you. A ring sounded through the house. "Well speak of the devil" his father laughed a few minutes later a knock sounded on the study door his father opened the door standing there was Orion black gently leading a small girl Inside then tom got a good luck at the girl. Black hair and green eyes ?! Tom's eyes went to her forehead in panic but the skin was clean unblemished. But tom knew the truth this was potter in this world. But the prophecy hadn't been made in this world. Tom had a chance to get the girl on his side before she turned against him. so tom bowed low to the girl and took her hand in  his and give it a kiss "it's an honor to meet you  miss Harley black." Harley for her part flushed to her neck looking down shyly and mumbled some words "harley speak properly or not at all." Orion black said harshly tom spoke up "I'm sorry if I embarrassed you my lady. My lord I apologize for overwhelming her." Tom said with a bow the lord looked st him with approval "you sure the boy was raised with muggles ? He acts like a proper pureblood heir." Riddle laughed "yes I'm sure thomas seems to have an understanding oh how to act." His father sent tom a small smile proud of his son. Suddenly orion black raised his voice "sirus regulus get in here. " walking into the room where two children tom knew very well the black boys. Tom bowed them. "Heir thomas." The boy said together tom looked at his father who nodded telling his son he was indeed his heir. Thomas these are sirus black and regulas black the black twins. Sirus black is heir to the house of black." Tom shook both boys hands making sure to shake Sirus's hand first as heir. "Its pleasure to meet you both heir sirus and secondary heir regulas." Both boys smirked sirus black said "your very well mannered for muggle raised." Tom smirked back "muggles are rude aren't they no idea how to treat their betters." Both boys nodded. And Tom turned back to harley "I heard that those filth did I am so sorry harley." Harley looked him "you were abused too I can tell." Tom stiffened "I dont like to talk about it." He said but his father growled "thomas" he looked at his father "did they harm you?" Tom only nodded then he spoke "I would rather talk about it in private father if you would wish to discuss this matter." His father sighed and nodded  turning back to speak with Orion and tom turned back to the children. Sirus and regulas looked about 8 years old so in this universe they were older than him. Harley was younger than him by 2 years which was just perfect. "Your doing so much better than I am" harley said sadly "now come on little sister your doing wonderful for your age and how you were raised. Thomas is just different is all. " tom nodded agreeing with them "I found my way into the magical world by accident and learned all I could harley that all." At this orion looked over "you found your way how ?" Tom face darkened "one of the muggle born in the orphanage showed me knowing I was different from the others before they got adopted by a wizarding family. They got books on how to act and I simply follow them. Even through I begged and  pleaded to go with them the orphanage head declined their offer to adopt me too." The adults and children were silent thinking about what to say to that. Finally harley spoke "we are supposed to have lessons together tom. Oh I hope you dont mind me calling you tom." Tom smiled and said smoothly " of course I dont mind you may call me what you wish harley." Harley smiled the four year old happy to have made a friend. "If she gets to call you tom then we do you." At that tom glared at them "only harley" he said with a slight growl the two boys eyes narrowed and the room filled with dark magic regulas stepped forward  with a growl "if I dont know any better I would say you fancy my little sister." Tom released some his own magic which was much darker than the two boy infront of him tom smirked as the boys went to their knees unable to stand the magic but the smirk faded when Harley also fell to the floor and he rained in his magic before going over to the girl "harley I'm so sorry I didn't mean to." Harley smiled at him. "Its ok tom I understand." Surprisingly the adults hadn't interfered but what tom would learn later in his books was that vampire children offen do this sort of thing to establish a pecking order.  riddle smirked at Orion when his son won. While Orion eyed the boy who he could see only had eyes for his daughter. Orion let out a growl but calmed when riddles eyes flashed red in warning. Riddle had long established himself as head of their circle and making your leader angry wasnt a good idea. Orion sighed getting used to the idea that thomas grunt might very well choose his daughter for his mate when he became old enough to present. Two hours  passed with tom talking to the children and riddle talking to orion. Finally Orion stood up "come children it is time to go. Harley is due for her next feeding." Riddle looked at the clock and sighed "it's time for Thomas's as well." "Why do you look so glum about that old friend?" "Although it was glorious thomas killed all the livestock I had in his first true feeding." Orion laughed "so did harley i only just got restocked." Tom looked at the girl who flushed "I told you I didn't mean to!" The girl said indignantly Orion simply ruffed her hair and laughing "harley what you did made this old man proud no matter the fact I had to restock. " the girl looked down "kidnap innocent people you mean." Orion sighed but tom stepped in "harley those people are they really innocent? The same type of people who hurt you. Who would kill you if they got the chance just for being who you are ?" Tom said putting a hand on her shoulder. His voice was gentle soothing it drew you into a spell. "They dont understand. And would hurt you for it. You know the truth. Tell me harley it felt good to learn you were better than them right ?" The girl nodded "then dont fight this your a vampire and witch besides much better than muggles or those who are simply a witch or wizard." The girl nodded again Tom's words made sense to the girl. Sirus black and regulas black had their mouth slightly agape in shock this boy somehow made their sister see sense. How did he do it ?! "I...just...its so confusing tom." Tom nodded understandably "I'm sure it'll get better with time for us both harley. For now let's just go with the flow see  what life as a pureblood and vampire is like ok? He said gently looking into her green eyes. The girl nodded "ok" "wonderful" orion said "but we really must be going to feed you harley. Tom you are and thomas may come to. As thomas can feed too." Riddle shook his head "I'm going to take the boy on a hunt for his second time. " Orions eyebrows want into his hair "isn't the boy a little young for that ?" "I'm sure thomas will do just fine. "If your sure..." " I am thomas is strong." The other family left and tom riddle summoned a cloak for tom and himself handing it to tom "come thomas we are going hunting." Tom smirked as he followed his father his plan was going perfectly soon this world would be his.

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