the meeting

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Thomas grunt had once again made his father proud of him a fact he revelled in it had been 2 months since his first hunt. Which had in fact been a disaster the muggle tom had targeted and gotten away his father said that was normal for a first hunt but tom wanst happy with himself for letting the muggle get away. Now tom was a smooth hunter one that could get any one to follow him into an alley with his smooth talking which his father called silver tongue. Tom had learned over the last two months that each vampire had a gift that helped them hunt Tom's was silver tongue while his father had his eyes which would lure a human into following him with out questions so drawn in where they. Once a week they would go for hunt which was vampire father and son bonding time. Tom was pleased to say he had his father  wrapped around his finger. His father saw him as the perfect heir even as young as he was. The blacks respected him and little harley trusted him with her life. His plan was going well today after the hunt his father had told him that he would be going over the the blacks to play (something tom would never do.) While his father had a meeting with other vampire lords and their heirs. Tom was to young to go he had to be at least 11 to be included in the meetings. Something tom resigned himself to. Tom wiped his mouth which had a single trickle of blood runing down it. The witch he had drained was laying his feet eyes wide and staring while seeing nothing dead. Tom looked to his father on the other side of the alley to find his father was finishing up his own meal. His father pulled back before the wizard was dead something about his father has even through he did kill sometimes he would leave someone alive tom saw no reason to it but pushed it to the back of his mind. "Come thomas." Tom did and was aparated to the black home. Once they settled tom found his arms full of harley.  Harley had rushed forward tears in her eyes into his arms sobbing. Tom gently held her eyes turning red as he started at the large group of children watching them. The girl sobbed in his arms and tom with a cold voice which snapped like a whip growled out "would someone like to tell me why my  harley is crying?"the children looked away and tom released his magic in his fury forcing the other children to their knees "tell me why my harley is crying" one of the children spoke up "it was just a joke we were just playing." "Just playing ? Then why is she crying?" Silence tom sighed just as sirus black and regulas black entered the room that stared in shock at the scene before them tom holding their sobbing sister and the other child forced to their knees before the magic took hold of them and held them on their knees as well. Tom gently stocked the girl face "what did they say to you harley?" The girl began to speak "they...asked...if..I... enjoyed..what..the... filth... did
.. to" the words were broken by sobs  "when....I... said...I ..a..liar ..tom!" Tom held the girl close gently petting her hair as his magic Increased with his rage the children cried out in pain but he was far to furious to stop. "You insolent little brats you dare ?" "You dare to mess with what is mine ?" Sirus spoke up "you bastards this is how you treat our sister ?" Regulas growled in agreement Tom let sirus and regulas up and they came to stand by his side feeling amused that this time round sirus might just be his right hand man tom gave a quick smirk  it was certainly ironic. But his fury overwhelmed the amusement quickly "if you were not vampires I would kill you were you stand as it is you will not mess with my harley again is that clear?" The children nodded and responded "yes heir grunt." Tom nodded and let them up. Tom knew he was the new leader of the children as he had dominated all of them in a single blow. Vampires and pureblood alike only Bowed to strength and he had proven he was stronger than them. Tom gently stocked his darlings hair and whispered words of comfort. "Its ok now harley I promise." Slowly the girl stopped sobbing and just leaned into tom sniffling from the force of her former sobs. "Your mine harely I will always protect you I promise." For what better way to earn her loyalty then be her protector? Tom was surprised that she had come to him but that only made him smirk she trusted him trusted him with her vulnerability. Tom knew that was rare for vampires to trust each other like that and was proud of himself. Harley slowly pulled back "I'm sorry I didn't mean-" tom cut her off "you dont have to apologize harley your mine that mean I protect you no matter what." He stroked her face "I am honored you trusted me enough to come to me harley." The girl flushed this boy did strange things to her to her body. She did trust him more than anyone else even her brothers. The girl didn't even think to deny she was Tom's. In the girls mind she was toms and tom was hers. Her best friend the only one she truly trusted in this new and strange environment the only one she could trust. To innocent to see the way tom played with her mind to innocent to see tom wanted her more than a friend. Tom broke contact with the girl and stepped forward "the meeting between the baby vampires has begun.  State your names and rank." Sirus stepped forward " sirus black heir of houee black and former leader of this gathering." Tom smirked "you will be my second then." Sirus bowed "thank you."  Regulas spoke up "regulas black secondary heir of house black and former second of this gathering tom nodded and turned his eyes still red to the other children a blond stepped forward "lucius malfoy heir to house malfoy and former third in this gathering. Finally everyone was introduced tom smirked he already had followers this was much easier than his last life. Being born a pureblood and vampire was definitely something tom had come to like about this life. Sure they were children but they would grow and become loyal followers. The red in his eyes faded away which made the group relax all but harley who knew tom would never hurt her. Harely was at his side and was completely relaxed now tom had taken control of the situation she was safe now. She given gave tom a small smirk. Tom returned the smirk but raised an eyebrow at her looking to her brothers and back to her. Asking if she minded at he made them his second and third and not her. The girl shook her head slightly and tom relaxed it wouldn't do for her to be mad at him. Tom sat down in the most  comfortable couch and waved harley to sit with him. Harley came over "now tell me what had been going on." "Our parents meeting was called because of a new law that is working on being passed." Tom raised an eyebrow leaning forward "do tell." "The bill says that vampires and werewolves will be welcomed at Hogwarts openly . vampires will be provided blood and werewolves a safe place away from the students to transform." Another kid spoke up "I'm surprised your father didn't tell you after all he proposed the bill." Tom growled "my father is uncertain if he can trust me as of yet. I am working on earning his trust." The vampires nodded in understanding. "My father is going to propose that to help the bill that we stop feeding on those with magic entirely. " tom sat back "it is a reasonable thought. Very well of help the bill we will not feed on those with magic limit yourselves to muggles for at least 3 years. Your father is right heir nott an agreement not to feed on those with magic will help the bill pass I'm sure my father will see logic in this as well." "But it'll only pass if the king decides to let it pass." This was the first tom had heard of a king "the king ?" "The king of vampires and the king of werewolves all bill must go through them if they pertain to vampires or werewolves. "First our parents will show them the Bill then if they give their stamp of approval then the bill  will go the wizardmont. "Who is the king ?" "No one knows his name or who he is only that he is the king and has been for generations of vampires. The king of the werewolves is known as markus greyback. 202nd in his line of the kings. " sirus spoke up. Tom frowned a king would get in the way of his plans to rule the vampires as well ad the magical world. Tom Would have to bring it up with his father later. "Next matter" "the wild vampires had been caught and will be burned next week. However one of them is pregnant which our parents are going to decide what to do with the situation." Tom had heard about the wild vampires vampires who lived outside the council and now he was learning about a king too. "Wild vampires?" Harley said tom spoke "vampires who live like beasts. They lock away their human side giving in entirely to the wild side of a vampire. Because of this they hunt without control which is a big problem without control a vampire will hunt an entire town within a few weeks." The girl gasped horrified "but thats...." "I know. We all do that is why they are hunted down." Sirus spoke up "most wild vampires are abandoned when they are infants who loss  control when they are babies and grow up feeding without restraint." The girls eyes widened again realizing how close she  came to becoming a wild vampire. "Tom" she whispered horrified tom rubbed her back soothingly "it's ok harley your not a wild vampire you are safe." Regulas spoke up next "plus even if you had become a wild vampire, baby vampires can be brought back from that state and taught control if found before they became a vampire child." The girl sighed with relief at her brothers words sinking into Tom's hand. Suddenly the floo flared and out stepped tom riddle "thomas grunt  harely black  you have been summoned by the vampire council." Tom understood this was a formal thing and stood up "of course lord riddle." His father's eyes showed his pride that his son understood. Harely stood up as well and responded the same way taking her cue from tom. They step through the floo and found themselves in the dinning room where almost every seat was taken at the long table by vampires "so these are the children." A man tom knew very well from his other life severus snape spoke "yes your majesty." Tom's eyes widened and he fell into a smooth bow to the king of the vampires harley followed him. "You both may rise your heads." Tom stared at the king so in this world severus was the king of vampires. "Thomas grunt harley black welcome back to your rightful places." "Thank you your majesty." The two spoke together the king turned to the table "the boy is an alpha for sure the girl as all the signs of an omega although she might present as a beta." How could the king know they were far to young to present? "I will speak with the children alone." The other people in the room left as soon as he spoke. Tom watched the king as he approached his harely. The king took a lock of hair and sniffed it  tom couldn't hold back his growl as his harely whimpered with the closeness of the king. The king turned to him smirking "oh yes an alpha and omega  indeed. You both may go." And they left "tom. I dont understand what did he want ?" Tom turned to the little girl "he merely wanted to test me by testing the limits of my patience with people in your space as well as your reaction to him being in yours." Tom soothed the girl and the girl turned to look at him "you wouldn't let him hurt me right ?" Tom growled at the idea of anyone hurting her he wrapped his arms around her and whispered in a near growl "never I would rather die than let anyone hurt you pet." Just what did this girl do to him?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2023 ⏰

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