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My lips have gone far too long without a kiss. I sink back into the leather of my car seat, and brush my index finger over said lips, sighing to myself.

Does she think about that? About how long it's been since she's kissed me? Does she miss it?

My eyes travel around the crowded, lantern-lit street until they finally stop at a large window of a cafe. My heart swells up in my chest at the sight of my wife, who's taking off her black coat and draping it over her stool. She's laughing about something her blonde, female colleague is saying to her.

I wish I was the one making her laugh.

El hasn't been laughing much recently. Work has been stressful, and raising a daughter along with it has been taking a toll on her. I've been a good husband— if I may be so confident. I help her everywhere I can, helping her de-stress as well as taking Daphne off her hands for however long she needs her time alone.

She's a wonderful mother and a wonderful wife.
And yet.. and yet something has changed between us. Not on my part— definitely not. I love her just as much as I did all these years ago, possibly even more. But she's been distant lately.

Which is exactly why I'm following her.

I swore to her I wouldn't go back to this behavior, promised with my whole heart and soul she was safe with me, and that I would never hurt anyone ever again. And I haven't— yet.

My murderous tendencies ignite as I watch a male colleague briefly touch Elena's middle back, guiding her to their table next to the window. With his wavy-brown hair and his disgusting American accent, I've never hated someone more in my life.

Christian Fraser. Now, if I were given the opportunity, I would've strangled him to death with my bare hands months ago, when I met him for the first time and read his filthy mind.

Of course, he's attracted to her.

I haven't been close enough to him to read his mind again and find out if his feelings have grown, but I believe it's time for a change in that.

Through the scar I made on her thigh— using the magic that's connected to it, I've been able to keep an eye on her. See where she's been, who made her smile. I dream of murdering everyone except her.

She's so good at her job, but perhaps I made a mistake by allowing her to go.

I haven't had decent sleep in weeks.

Elena barely has time for me anymore. She works nine-to-five shifts on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and shifts from ten to three on Tuesdays and Thursdays. When she gets home, she's tired and insists on taking Daphne off my hands.

I cook for her— and sometimes she tries, too, but we both know she's horrible at it. Then when night falls, I want to spend time with her. I lean in to kiss her after we're both done showering, and I want to show her how much I love her, but Elena says she has to finish some paperwork most nights.

I know being an Auror is difficult, but I miss my wife. I miss watching stupid TV shows together for hours or sleeping in late with Daphne in between us. I miss making love to her by the fire, listening to her soft 'I love you's'. I just miss her.

𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐋𝐘; Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now