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Elena isn't in bed when I wake up. After rushing out of bed and looking through the cottage, I know she isn't there either. It's a reaction that's never left me, to panic when I can't find her. It's happens automatically, though I know she didn't leave.

She's just on her morning run. And this time not because she likes it, but because she wants to avoid me. I know that well enough.

She must still be furious that I'm not allowing her to go to work, and that I sent a cold-toned text to Christian who asked her to come in the first place. But Elena should know better. She doesn't listen. We spoke about her workaholism and she said she understood. But she doesn't.

Pushing my anger back down, I grab my phone and call my mother while I start on making breakfast.

She picks up after a few rings. "Good morning, dear," Her warm voice comes through the phone. "You never call this early. It's only eight."

"I just wanted to ask how Daphne is," I say, pulling the fridge open. "El and I are coming to pick her up after dinner. I hope she's been good."

Mum laughs softly, and I hear Daphne's voice in the background, mumbling 'Granny'. "In a second, sweetheart. Granny is talking to Daddy." Mum says to my daughter, who's voice makes my chest warm. "She's been wonderful, Draco. She's a better eater nowadays. It's a relief."

"Yeah, I know. I've learned she does eat her vegetables when I eat with her, or El." I say, a small smile tugging at my lips. Our daughter has been such a beacon of light in our lives, and I never imagined myself being so good at this 'father' thing, but apparently, I'm not so terrible at it.

"How are things at home? Did you get some time for yourselves?" Mum asks.

I clench my jaw, closing the fridge again when I've grabbed what I needed. "Yes, some. Elena was asked to come to work today, but she declined."

"I see," Mum says, then her voice lowers. "Draco, your father is joining me for dinner tonight."

My heart goes cold right before dropping right into my stomach. My father.

Mum divorced him at the end of my seventh year, and it was such a relief in both our lives. That year, I got a restraining order against Elena, and everything was falling apart— I had nothing to live for. So I dreaded going home after graduation to live with my father again, to tolerate his loose hands and sharp tongue, towards both me and my mother. But my mother had decided to divorce him.

I had been glad, of course. But I had been furious enough after everything that happened that I went back to Malfoy Manor with the intention of beating that prick of a father to death before he could lay another hand on me. But when I returned, he wasn't there. And my mother had regained color in her face. She talked more, smiled more.

He was gone out of our lives.

"Why." My voice is cold, and I know Mum's closing her eyes right now, softly sighing.

"He wanted to meet Daphne," She says quietly. "Apparently, he somehow found out that you're married and a father now. And he wrote to me, and said, not asked, but said he'd be coming for dinner. He said I was to ask you and Elena to come."

"I don't want my wife, my daughter, or you anywhere near that man." I hiss, rage flaring in my chest. When I see his face, I won't be able to look the other way— ignore all the seventeen years worth of abuse and cruelty. I can't be quiet anymore.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03 ⏰

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