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This story is a sequel to 'Unhealthy', it will be much darker, which is why I will be creating a TW list. I might add more as the story progresses.

- I changed Y/N's name, which is why some of the Unhealthy readers could be confused.

- Unhealthy was mostly in third person and past tense, while Deadly will be in first person and present tense.

- while some of the plot is based on the Harry Potter books (like Elena being an Auror) I've given my own twist to it and some things may not align with the HP books.

- also lots of love and credit goes to P3yt0nx who's been helping me plot and write. I love you <3

- the trigger warnings will be listen below. This is not a healthy love story and should not be seen as one. If you cannot handle the triggers, don't read it. This book can be difficult to read at times because of the heavy topics, so make sure it's okay for you!

Your mental health matters.

- Murder
- Stalking
- Blood
- Violence
- Torture
- Disturbing inner monologue
- Masochism
- Sadism
- Toxic behavior
- Possessive behavior
- Obsessive behavior
- Alcohol
- Stalking
- Mature language
- Weapons
- CNC (Consensual Non Consent)
- Several disturbing kinks
- kidnapping
- love triangle

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