The Hospital

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Karmi woke up the next morning to familiar voices. She groaned, regretting falling asleep in a chair in the lobby.

When she opened her eyes she was surprised to see a group of brightly armored friends checking in at the front desk.

"Big Hero 6!" Karmi cried, rushing over to them. "Please, please tell me he's ok!"

They looked at her, and the looks on their faces made the knot in her stomach loosen a bit.

"He's ok, Karmi," Tall Girl assured her, placing a hand on her shoulder. "He's just...recovering."

"So he already woke up?!" Relief flooded through her, tears falling down her cheeks.

They exchanged a glance and the knot tightened all over again.

"Yes, but..." she trailed off.

"But he's going to need to stay here for a while while he gets blood transplants from his family. He's barely concious half the time." Speed Queen provided, noting her friend's lack of words for the situation.

"We'll talk to him about you coming to see him. I'm sure he has some things he wants to tell you." Flame Jumper added.

"O-okay..." she slumped in her seat again.

As she waited, she wondered what Flame Jumper could have meant by 'wanting to tell her something.'

After what felt like hours, Tall Girl came back with a smile on her face.

"Captain says he'd like to speak to Karmi Khan." The woman at the desk nodded, allowing Karmi to run over.

"I can see him?!" Tall Girl nodded and lead her through the hospital to a secluded room, out of sight of all the others.

"To make sure no one finds out about his identity," explained Tall Girl.

She then turned to the door and knocked quietly. It opened to reveal Chop-Chop with a smile on his face.

"He's more awake than he has been since this started. We'll be right out here, ok?"

"Y-you're not staying?"

"He wants to talk to you in private for a bit."

They filed out of the room, walking down the hall. Taking a deep breath to prepare herself, she opened the door.

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