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It had been a few hours now. Hiro was waiting in his room with Baymax and Aunt Cass as he heard his friends argue with Karmi's parents about watching over her apartment and cat while she stayed here. It sounded like Karmi was getting her way.

As always.

He shook his head with a smile. She was so stubborn there was no way she wouldn't win the argument.

"Hiro." He looked to his best robot friend. "Your heart rate has increased, and your pupils have dialated. This indicates that you are feeling, happy."

Hiro raised an eyebrow. "Well, yeah, I kinda am!"

"What were you thinking about?" Aunt Cass asked.

"Karmi. She came all this way, and now she's doing what she does best - argue - just to stay here. Yeah, I am pretty happy."

"Based on your body's reaction to knowing she is here, it seems that you are feeling, romantic attraction, towards Karmi." Baymax raised a finger as if to prove his point.

"*GAAAAASSSSSP*" Aunt Cass' eyes were wide, stars practically shining in them.

Hiro felt his face heat up. "Ha ha, whaaat? Noo, I- I don't have a crush on-"

The door opened, Karmi's triumphant smile donning her features, and all of Hiro's thoughts flew out the window.


"My parents agreed to watch over my apartment so I can stay!" She cheered, throwing her arms into the air.

There was a second of silence (and Aunt Cass staring at him with a huge grin) before he realised what she said.

"R-really?! That's great!" Face still burning, he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Yeah! It'll also give Cass and your friends time to relax at home a bit when they need it while me and Baymax watch over you!" She looked so happy, but the relief behind it was almost heartbreaking.

"Aw, sweetheart that is just so nice of you!" Hiro jumped as he heard Aunt Cass. "You know, you are just the kind of person I really want around my dear Hiro-"

"Oooookay, that's enough Aunt Cass!" His face burning, Hiro cut her off quickly before it got too weird. "It really is nice of you to think about the others though. Thanks, Karmi."

She blushed a bit while glancing at Aunt Cass but smiled back at him nonetheless.

"Of course! Besides, I want to catch up while we can. It's been too long."

"Yeah. Plus, I can catch you up on BH6 stuff too! Stuff not on the news," he replied with a tired smile.

"I'd love that! Can I start with a few questions?" Eyes bright, she pulled out her phone.

"Uh, sure, why not?" He chuckled lightly.

"What inspired each suit?"

"Everyone's projects and personal expertise and experience."

"Your suits have changed a lot since the beginning, right?"

"Yeah, pretty much making sure they do what they're supposed to and improving. The first time we wore them, I hadn't had much experience making suits and they weren't the best they could be."

"So...what are your favorite experiences?"

"Oh, where to start?"

They laughed, and for that moment, all the pain and fear was gone from their minds.

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