7. Who's Laughing Now?

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"Come on," Stacey begged. "You always opt out of taking a group photo."

"I have pictures with you, so be happy." I crossed my arms.

"That's just with me. It's not really a group photo if everyone isn't in it."

"...You guys have done without me in your group photos since I moved here, why do you want me in it now?"

Jocelyn laughed, but I felt like I was the only one who took it the wrong way. She's the only one who gets under my skin. She knows it, too.

"Jocelyn, you got one more time," I snarled. "Watch it."

"Oh? And what do you plan on doing?" She laughed again.

"Trust me, there's more to life than just imagining hurting someone."

The table was quiet. For a moment, it was just Jocelyn and I. She didn't seem fazed by my threat, but I could tell she didn't have a comeback ready. I wasn't going to take her crap today. I'm already annoyed at the fact that Maison has been on my mind since my talk with Stacey. What does he want with me?

After a while, I started getting annoyed by Jocelyn's staring. Stacey was busy conversing with the other girls, occasionally glancing at me. I was fine, but if Jocelyn didn't avert her gaze, she wasn't going to be.

"I'll be back," I announced and stood up without warning.

"Seven minutes," Stacey muttered.

"I know."

I grabbed my phone and left the restaurant without another word. I just know Jocelyn is going to say something about me. Stacey isn't going to defend me either. I'm surprised we're still friends with how much crap she allows her friends to say about me.

My anger blinded me as I weaved through the crowd of colorful bathing suits. Other women complimented me on mine, but I didn't have the patience to answer them. My phone buzzed in my hand, but I didn't bother looking at it. Whoever it was could wait. Unless they couldn't.

"Oof." I bumped into someone and reeled backwards. All I could think about was falling and busting my head open. Until I suddenly stopped falling and was pulled into a strong chest. I stopped breathing as the smell of sweat and citrus hit my nose. Best smell I've smelled all day!

"Hey, you gotta be more careful, boo," the man said. I could detect a hint of a foreign accent. "You don't need to be hurting yourself out here."

"Thank you," I muttered and straightened up. "I guess I should be a bit more careful."


My phone buzzed again. I looked at it and perked up. I bid farewell to the hottie in front of me and ran back the way I'd come. Sebastian was here! He saw me coming just in time. He opened his arms to welcome me. I jumped into them.

"You seem pretty happy to see me, considering I only work for you." He chuckled.

"You don't work for me today," I muttered into his shoulder. "If anyone asks...you're my man."

"Your man?"

"Yes. Ask questions later."

Sebastian put me down and pushed me back at arm's length. I smiled at the thought of him having unholy thoughts about me. I guess today was a perfect day to wear this bikini. That's when I noticed he was only wearing a pair of swim trunks that were hanging dangerously low on his waist. He was too fine today. Way too fine.

"We were just about to eat," I said. "Care to join us?"

"Of course. Just give me a second, darling." Sebastian reached into his pocket and pulled out a box. I glanced into the restaurant and saw Jocelyn and the girls looking at us. Got em! "You asked for it, so I'm giving it to you."

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