28. To The Rescue

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I found myself just a couple of hours outside of the city. Stacey called me and said she'd made a reservation at one of my favorite places to go. I thanked her and decided that this was a good opportunity to be alone. Sebastian didn't know about this place. After I learned he wasn't really from here, I knew there were some places I could go and he wouldn't know where to find me.

When I arrived, I was so happy to see there weren't many cars present. The weather is a bit chilly. Getting sick was the last thing on my mind. I had on a fur coat and a scarf I'd gotten as a present some time ago. My boots were lined with fur, so I can say I was pretty warm. There was no need to worry about getting sick.

"Hi, do you have a reservation with us?" the woman asked.

"Yeah." I pulled out my phone to check who Stacey reserved my spot under. "Under Roxanne Monroe."

"Ah, we just received your reservation online. Enjoy your visit."

I handed her my entrance fee. "Oh, I will." I glanced at their chart displaying their hours, realizing I had a good three and a half hours before I'd have to go back home. Ugh, I wish I had a different favorite place. This one closes way too early.

I wasn't ready for the walk to the pool. I really should have thought this through. Maybe I can get my maximum steps in. I've had a pretty sedentary position since we started filming.

Speaking of filming, next week was my last week with Sheila and her husband. I promised her I wouldn't waste her time this month and I never disappoint. The camera crew came by with the painters and filmed their progress. I can say they're fast painters. Even though it may have seemed like they rushed, you can tell they put their heart and soul into making it just right.

The contractor worked with Sheila's husband and they got new wood for the shed and repainted it. I hadn't seen it yet, but Sheila seemed pretty content with how it looked. When I met up with her to discuss room colors and kitchen patterns, she'd known exactly what she wanted. Luckily, we had everything she asked for in stock.

My mind was preoccupied, but it seemed like it knew where I wanted to go. I arrived near the pool in record time. I hadn't seen anyone on my way in, but they could be doing something else. No one would dare to swim in this weather.

The wind picked up a little, so I was grateful for how warm I dressed up today. The water was as blue as ever and that alone was soothing. I quickly found a good rock to sit on and watched the water ripple every so often.

"Is there anyone sitting here?"


"You don't mind if I sit next to you?"

"As long as you don't talk for the next five minutes, I don't care what you do."

The man chuckled as he took a seat next to me. The waterfall across from us wasn't very bubbly today. I know the weather is dry when it comes to Winter. Kinda like how I feel right now. I can't wait until the new year.

"I'm sorry I have to leave before Christmas."

"...It hasn't been five minutes yet."

"My flight is tomorrow night."

I finally looked at the man. I wasn't surprised to see Elijah, but how did he know where to find me? Stacey could have told him, but she would have had to go into great detail. And he would have had to know about when I was planning to leave to arrive just a few minutes after me. Wow, I just love how caring my friends are. I just wanted to be alone for today.

"Stacey called you?" I asked.

"Yeah." He nodded

"She must have told you how I felt about Sebastian."

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