Tas & Antasma

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TAS: This place is... pretty

ANTASMA: *he nods* Indeed it is. I found this place a vhile ago

TAS: I see

*two random dumbasses can be heard makin' fun of Tas for havin' wings attached to his head*

TAS: 💢💢💢

ANTASMA: *Vell... they're dead..*

TAS: *he then proceeds to murder the two random dumbasses while others watch in horror*

ANTASMA: *he darkly smiles* Tch.. serves them right

RANDOM PERSON: *they push Antasma* How dare you say such a thing?! Two people are getting murdered by that monster!

ANTASMA: ?! *he slashes at the random person* First, don't touch me! And second, you don't even know vut's going on, so shut up

RANDOM PERSON: !!""" The two weren't doing anything wrong!

ANTASMA: Aside from making the stupid desison of making fun of Tas for having vings attached to his head. He's violent by nature and anyone who makes fun of him vill suffer the consequenses. So maybe tell these stupid mortals to keep their comments to themselves

RANDOM PERSON: """ How dare you! He should be made fun of, it's not normal to have wings attached to one's head!

ANTASMA: *his ears go back, a dark expression on his face* Vell.. then it sounds like it's your turn to perish~! But before I let Tas end you, let me ask you this. How vould you feel if someone made fun of you for being different than everyone else? How vould you feel if someone made fun of you for something that's out of your control?

RANDOM PERSON: ! .........

ANTASMA: You see vhere I'm coming from yes?

RANDOM PERSON: .........

TAS: *he appears next to Antasma* Let's get away from these mortals, I don't want to be around them....

ANTASMA: Ah, alright then *he starts leavin' the area*

TAS: *he leaves with Antasma, extendin' his tail to slit the random person's throat before disappearin'*

ANTASMA: ..... People vill never learn...

TAS: No... no they won't.....

Random Drawings Part TenWhere stories live. Discover now