Zinnia (New O.C.)

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NAME: Zinnia (thank you TwistedDelusion7 for helpin' me with the name~! ^^)

AGE: ??



SPECIES: Mythical butterfly siren (she's the only one that's been discovered; believed to be a one of a kind)

WEAPON(S): Her singin', her claws (which are retractible), and poison scale dust (it doesn't harm the water)

WEAKNESS(ES): Any explosive-type weapon (like the Crash Bomber or the Remote Mine)

IMMUNETIES: Other sirens singin', water, and fire

King & Pirate Man- Enemies
Bubble Man- Doesn't know him
Neptune- Friend
Burner Man- Weary of him 'cause of his psycotic nature

PERSONALITY: Very sweet, lovin', helpful, understandin', supportive, and understandin' of boundries; never tries to pry

LIKES: Singin', bein' underwater, lurin' evil people to her and murderin' them, makin' friends, helpin' others, flowers, and findin'/collectin' lost treasure

DISLIKES: Evil people, hunters, liars/backstabbers, cheaters/players, brats, and bein' on land

BLOOD COLOR: Light-mauve


BLUSH COLOR: Purple-gray

VOICE: Soft and calmin'

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