Sea-Foam's Death

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This will be very, very long

This will be very, very long

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It was another average day in the world of no name or as some like to call it "The Unnamed World". Two best friends, who have a brotherly relationship, Sea-Foam and Venom were hanging out in their favorite area, the Medow of Peace. Here, the two would chat endlessly about things they're interested in or something good or bad that's happened in recent times. They'd chat for so long that they'd easily lose track of time and they wouldn't head home 'till around night time.

Here would be no exception. The two were chatting as usual when Sea-Foam looked up at the star filled sky. "My, my, it's night time already? Gee, time really does go fast when you're spending the day with your dear brother."

"Ah, guess we should get going then, hmmm?" Venom suggested.

As Sea-Foam nodded and the two made their way to the entrence of the medow. "Mmmmm... I think I'll walk home by myself this time."

Venom paused in his steps, his voice filled with slight worry. "Uh... Sea-Foam... are you sure that's a good idea...? I mean.. I know you can take care of yourself but still, it's dangerous to be out here alone at night..."

Sea-Foam turned back to face Venom, a reassuring smile on his face. "Don't worry about that Venom, I can fight quite well, so I won't have to worry about that!" His smile faded once he saw Venom starring at the ground, the worry still present on his face. He did a soft sigh and lightly hugged Venom, "I'll be alright, I promise.. So don't be worried, please?"

Venom hugged his brother back and slowly nods, not speaking for a little bit. "Alright Sea-Foam.. I trust you'll be alright..." He said at last. He felt Sea-Foam letting go of him and started to head into the opposite direction, waving good-bye as he did. Venom smiled and waved good-bye back before Sea-Foam fully disappeared. I really hope I won't regret not going with him.... Oh, dear brother... please be careful... Venon shook his head a little to clear the thoughts before flying home.

Sea-Foam kept on walking as his home was quite some miles away from the medow and he couldn't fly either so that in turn made his trip longer. He'd occassionally look left and right as well as behind him to see if any danger was close by. However things were quite and all seemed peaceful. I can see why Venom was worried earlier, but things seem calm right-!! His thoughts were soon interupted by the feeling of immense pain in his back and stomach and his own heavy breathing.

He looked down to see that someone had stabbed him in the back with a knife, the tip of weapon visable from his stomach as he coughs up jet-black blood. His vision starts to go blurry as his eyes begin to close. The knife was then pulled out of Sea-Foam as he falls down, landing on his side, and hitting his head when he landed. He tries to open his eyes to see who did this to him so that he could warn Venom, but there was no one in sight. He tries getting up, but the pain and his returning blurry vision prevent him from doing so. He stares at the ground, watching his own blood flowing from his stomach from where he was stabbed. He takes a shakey breath before his eyes close.

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