Older O.C.'s Part One

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First, we have Black-Ice, who was last seen in Random Drawings Part Six, AKA when my art was still cringe TwT""

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First, we have Black-Ice, who was last seen in Random Drawings Part Six, AKA when my art was still cringe TwT""

Her design colorin' has stayed the same, only the outfit's changed

Her bio's remained the same, but there's some slight updates/changes

-She has a crush on Natalia (not my O.C.)

-She's not as worried about what people truely think of her, with her bein' an EXE and all

-She has a major weakness to lava/fire (I can't remember if that was in her bio already or not- TwT"")

-She can tell who's a player/cheater and will steal that person's soul and send them straight to hell

I think that's all for this miss

BLACK-ICE: *she had just stolen a player's soul, sendin' it to hell* Tch... how pathetic you are, human...

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