Scroll Ten: Winter Wedding

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I_Love_All_ - We're now at the midpoint of the storyline, where everything starts to come together and the real drama unfolds. I hope you're enjoying the content. I've been opening the scrolls at a faster pace because I'm invested in this storyline's script and eager to unveil more content. Without further ado, let's dive back into the story!

Note: This scroll takes place the following winter after Hinata and Haku became a couple. By this point, their relationship has had several months to grow, probably around seven or more. I'm too lazy to do the math right now.

[The Village of Lavender Light - Town Square]

"Hey, can someone give me a hand with lining this banner?" One of the Villagers asked from their high position on the Banner Post.

"Sure, just give me a moment to set the feast on the serving table real quick." Another villager said as he walked towards the large table draped in white silk with the last of the stacks of food stored in containers on the table and left the cooks and planners to place the dishes in their proper places before turning on his heel and jumping up to the other end of the Banner Post and aided his fellow villager in making sure the banner was perfectly even with the other one across from it. All the villagers of the Lavender Light Village were hard at work - the academy was closed for the day due to the day's event; even the children were hard at work, aiding the adults any way they could. Everything must be perfect today.


Today marks the wedding of Hinata Hogosha, the Grand Leader, to her chosen mate and eternal partner, Haku Yuki.

[Fourth Wall Break]

Amaterasu: Just to clarify, when Hinata left Konoha, she was 13 years oldHinata is 14 years old and has been the Grand Leader of the Lavender Light Village for almost two years. On the other hand, Haku's canon age is 15, and he is two years older than Hinata, making him 16 years old. Hinata and Haku have known each other for almost two years now and have been dating for several months. I hope this clarifies any possible confusion. Let me know if you have any other questions.

[Fourth Wall Repair]

"I need someone to help me lay out the white silk under the Torii Gate and lead it up to Hogosha-sama's Shrine! It's quite the distance and will take more than one person!" A villager called out while holding a rolled-up bundle of white silk for the couple to walk up to Hogosha-sama Shrine for the Final Blessing. This was no ordinary wedding since the Lord and Lady were not of legal age for a common wedding but there was something stronger and more sacred that would not be prevented by one's age: A Spirit Wedding.

According to Hogosha-sama, a Spirit Wedding was the purest form of love and the most sacred of bonds - the very ties are so strong that it weaves a pair of souls together to the point they would find each other in the Spirit Realm, even during reincarnation. When Hogosha-sama saw just how Haku and Hinata reacted to each other as a couple & how their chakras reacted to each other, she knew that the two of them would not be happy with other people, therefore suggesting that the two of them bind their souls so that they would be able to find each other once again when they current vessels rotted away and they would return to the mortal world.

"Just give the roll of white silk to my sons, they shall be the ones to roll it up the stairs to Hogosha-sama's Shrine. In the meantime, can you help me with setting the table for the Grand Feast? The chefs are almost done with all of the food and they will need to place it soon." Koga said as he walked into the Village Square with large boxes in his grasp. The villager he called out to nodded before handing the large roll of silk off to Ren who walked over to him and went over to meet Kai at the foot of the Torii Gate before the brother sat the large roll on the ground and started rolling it up the stairs while making sure to remove any lumps or wrinkles along the way. Everyone was working hard to make sure this was a glorious day for the Grand Leader and her Intended. 

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