Meeting everyone

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Alex's POV.

I was woken up by a knock on my door. I slowly pushed the covers off myself and made my way to the door opening it. "Oh hey dad" I said opening the door more so he could come in. "Morning sleeping beauty" he said with a chuckle. I gave him a questioning look then walked over to my mirror. I gasped and then went into my bathroom, grabbing my brush and a hair tie.

My hair had been sticking out everywhere. I quickly brushed it and put it in a messy bun then walked back out. "I see you fixed yourself up" my dad said with a playful grin on his face. I nodded cracking a smile.

"Now what I really needed to talk to you about was that I wanted you to meet the Avengers, even capscicle." he finished looking at me. "Capscicle? You mean Captain America?" I said back laughing. "Yeah, now get changed and meet me down in the lounge, you're meeting them now." he said about to close the door but said "Oh yeah and you might want to take your hello kitty bandaid off before you come down".

I looked at my arm and saw the hello kitty bandaid I had put on last night. I laughed at myself and ripped it off putting it in the trash. Walking over to my bathroom I pulled out my straightener and plugged it in. Making sure it was heated up I pulled my hair out of the bun and started doing my hair.

20 minutes later I finished and then went over to my closest and pulled out a pair of black leggings and a black skin tight t-shirt. I got dressed then put my black army boots on and headed out the door and towards the elevator. I passed some shield agents on my way but eventually got the elevator.

"Hello Agent Stark how are you today?" Jarvis' voice came through the speakers. "I'm good thank you Jarvis, can you take me to the lounge?" I asked. "Ofcourse Agent Stark." he replied. I looked out the windows in the elevator at the city.

The elevator came to a stop and I walked out seeing my father and walking over to him. "Hey old man" I replied simply. "Sup hello kitty" he replied with a smirk. "Touché" I replied.

I looked around and saw five people looking at us. "I mean dad it would be pretty nice for me to know who these people are" I said looking at him. "Oh yeah right" he paused looking at everyone. "That is Thor, god of Thunder" he said pointing at a man with blonde hair and a red cape holding a hammer. I waved and so did he "Very nice to meet you my Lady". I smiled "you too" I replied. "Moving on, that is Natasha aka black widow" he said pointing at a girl with red shoulder length hair. I waved again and she smiled back. "Him over there is Hawkeye but his name is Clint" he pointed. I smiled. "Then we got Hulk over here otherwise known as Bruce Banner." he said pointing at him on the couch. "Nice to meet you" I said. "You too" he replied smiling. "And last but defiantly least that is captain America the old one but his name is Steve Rogers." he said pointing at a man in his 20's with blonde hair and very nice blue eyes. He was built very nicely may I say and quite handsome. "Nice to meet you ma'am, I am assuming you are Mr.Starks daughter."  he said sweetly. "Yes I am, even though we look nothing alike" I replied laughing. I got a laugh from them. Score one for me.

"Yeah but you also have some weird powers that I have no idea in hell came from" my dad replied. Everyone looked at me with confused faces and then I turned the sink on using my powers
and took the water out with my left hand while turning it off with my right. I took the water into the air and then quickly turned it into ice. I crushed it then turned it back to water making it evaporate.

I looked back at everyone and saw all their jaws dropped and then my dad was standing with his arms crossed with his famous smirk. "Wow.." was what some of them could breathe out. I giggled.

Steve's POV.

Wow. This girl is just...amazing. When she walked in she took my breathe away and now she can control water and make ice. It is absolutely outstanding. I've never seen someone like this ever! She looked at us chuckling at our expressions. I closed my mouth. "Ma'am that was amazing, why haven't you been working for shield yet?" I asked.

"I already am, I'm a level 7 agent sir." she replied standing up straighter and giving me a small smile. "Oh wow, I apologize I did not know Ma'am." I said smiling back. "It's all good Cap." she replied.

"May I have Agent Stark to my office now." Fury's voice boomed over the speakers. I looked at her before she went off to Fury's office. Natasha had nudged me in the arm. I turned around to look at her and gave her a questioning look. "You were staring." she said with a smirk. I could feel the heat rushing to my cheeks as I looked at the spot where she just was a moment ago.

"We never got your daughters name Tony" Bruce said looking at him. We all nodded in agreement and looked at Tony. "Oh yeah it's Alexandra but she goes by Alex." he said walking out of the room.

"Lady Alex was very pretty." Thor said out of the blue. We all looked at him and all of us agreed. "But I think Cap over here thinks more than that." Natasha said smirking. The group laughed as I turned a light shade of pink. "Maybe we should put them together." Clint said laughing but then smirked. "They'd be cute." Bruce added. I rolled my eyes and stood up exiting out the door and towards my room. I just met her I couldn't have feelings for her just yet. At least not yet.

Tony Starks Daughter // A Captain America Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now