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part three.


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We finally make it back to the dorm. I sloppily kick my shoes off, tumbling to my bed. I let out a quiet groan as my head hits the pillow. I feel the bed sink deeper near my upper legs. I sit up to face Ellie, a yawn escaping my mouth. I focus my eyes on her, rubbing the back of my neck as I adjust to the environment.

Ellie gives me a soft smile, placing her hand on my thigh gently. "Do you wanna talk about what happened back there?" She asks quietly. I breath in, "Nothing serious... It was just this guy, he wouldn't leave me alone." Ellie's face shifts, a mix of concern and anger. "Fucking frat boys... Are you okay?" She shifts her body closer to me. "Yeah... I'm okay. Just need to sleep it off I think. It's been a long night." I give her a small smile. She lets out a soft chuckle, "Yeah, it has;" She pauses, taking a quick breath through her teeth, she seems to be in thought, "were you, having a good time before that though?" She looks down at her hand, still resting on my leg. My smile widens, becoming more genuine. "Yeah, I had a lot of fun." I place my hand on top of hers softly. Her eyes flutter up to meet mine, her eyes widen for a moment but she recollects herself quickly, clearing her throat and returning the smile. "I did too."

Not many words are exchanged but the meaning is there. Me and Ellies friendship was off to a good start.

So why do I still feel butterflies?

Ellie gets up to grab some water bottles from the minifridge in the corner of the room. Handing me one before taking a few sips from her own. I drink a good amount before standing up from the bed, almost losing balance but thankfully Ellie grabs hold of my arm, keeping me steady. I smile at her before sighing. I should take my makeup off. I rummage through my drawers and pull out some baggy sweatpants and a flowy crop top to sleep in, trotting my way over to the bathroom.

I let out a groan, just wanting to be in bed already. I try to wipe my makeup off quickly, still leaving a bit of mascara smudged around my eye, not enough for it to be noticeable. Good enough. I slip the dress off, throwing it to the side before quickly putting on my more comfortable clothes.

I step out of the bathroom, leaning on the doorframe. I look over at Ellie, she's leaning against the wall her bed is practically attached to, eyes closed, earbuds in. She looks so peaceful and in her element. A journal lays by her side. I let my curiosity sink, not wanting to be intrusive on her personal items. I slowly walk towards her bed, her eyes peak open as I grow closer, she smiles and removes her earbuds. "Hey." Her low voice full of sweetness. "Hey." I sit on the edge of her bed as I reply with a smile.

She seems to have also changed, wearing a tank top and a pair of shorts. I shift backward, sitting next to her against the wall as well. I take a deep breath in and out, leaning my head against her shoulder. She glances down at me; I feel her arms tense up from underneath me. Her warmth feels so comfortable. I can feel my eyes fluttering closed without a thought.

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