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part four.

part four

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We sat and talked for hours. Nothing felt awkward, nothing felt uncomfortable. Just a peaceful, nice conversation. My thoughts begin to wander in our silence. I wonder if she really wants to be friends. What if she's just trying to be nice? What if she's just trying to be a good roommate? What if she just sees me as a lame freshman?

"Y/N." I look up at her, snapping out of my thoughts. "You good?" She says with a small grin, one eyebrow raised. I let out a breathy laugh, "Yeah, yeah. All good. Just thinking." I say, my eyes locking onto hers. She smirks and nods, "Alright, wanna head back to the dorm?" I smile and nod my head, "Yeah, let's go." We stand up and head back towards the dorm. The walk isn't long, I wish it could last longer.


We enter the dorm, the familiar environment putting my mind to ease. "You ready?" Ellie speaks, I give her a confused look. She chuckles and grabs the textbook.

I groan in realization, "Not really, but I guess." I sit down at the desk, Ellie pulling the chair from her desk and placing it next to mine. Mindlessly sitting next to me.

Ellie let's out a breath, zoning in. "Okay.." She mumbles underneath her breath, opening her textbook and beginning to read the material within it. I try to focus on the words, but my eyes unintentionally travel to her face, observing as she focuses on the sentences. Her eyebrows slightly crinkled.

"I think I get it." She begins to trail off, pointing to certain paragraphs and sentences in the book. I admire her as she explains the problems in detail. I snap out of my mesmerization and pull out my notebook and begin organizing her words in my notes. Small hums of understanding come out of my mouth to show I understand her.

She turns the page, focusing on the next topic. As she begins to explain, my writing halts. I gaze upon her face, watching the way her lips move to her words. My stomach begins to tense up. Her body is close to mine, she's leaned over to read the book at a better angle.

She looks up at me after realizing I'm no longer paying attention. Her eyebrows slightly furrowed, "Are you okay?" Her voice quiet. my head falls to look at my lap, a forced giggle leaves my lips. My eyes drift back up to meet hers. "Yeah, all good. Just hard to focus." I say shyly. She tilts her head, her eyes confused but her mouth curved into a smirk, "Why?"

My hearts pounding. Why does she make me feel this way. I feel my face flush. "No reason." I force out, stuttering slightly.

The space between us is tense. Did she just look at my lips? Her eyes flutter up to meet mine.

My hands play with the strings of my sweatpants nervously. Our eye contact intense. I feel her hand atop of mine, causing me to stop fidgeting. Her other hand moves to touch my cheek, her fingers just lightly grazing my face as she moves a strand of hair back into place.

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