1. Transmigration

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The first thing that came into Subham's mind when he woke up was that; it was hot, terribly hot, as if he was being roasted alive for a barbeque feast while someone was fanning the flames hurriedly.

Is this some act of revenge? Then it's petty but he doesn't have any enemy alive if at all. thought Subham.

With some annoyance, he opened his almond-droopy eyes.

The first thing that came into his view was a woman's face. the woman's hair was tied behind the back of her head neatly in a bun. She had a dusky complexion and thick eyebrows with almond-shaped eyes which looked particularly gentle. 

The woman had a worried look on her face at the moment, she was saying something while fanning him but he couldn't hear her at the moment.

After a moment of confusion, he gained some sense and also heard the woman's concern.
"Subham, are you alright? How do you feel?" asked the woman a little worriedly.

Out of politeness, he replied to the strange woman "I'm fine..... it's just that it's too hot and I'm a little thirsty."

"Oka, Okay, Hari fetch a glass of water! bring it here quickly." ordered the woman hurriedly.

"Yes Mausi, right away," replied Hari.

Subham slowly got up and realized that he was lying on the ground just now and his hair was wet, presumably somebody poured water on his head to cool down the temperature. 

The ceiling fan was of no help at all, as if it were flaming fire.

After a moment. he looked around and saw that it was a large room. there were many long wooden benches and tables, steel plates and jugs on tables, a huge display of food made of a wood with glass door containing snacks, and sweets, and a high clay stove at the entrance with a huge iron pot. this type of canteen or restaurant, he had seen decades ago outside the court before it was demolished.

But what's with the atmosphere? 

Last night he fell asleep in his bedroom after returning from a trip abroad, and it was winter not summer. what the hell is going on?  

Suddenly a white light passed in front of his eyes and memories that didn't belong to him poured into his mind.

It was only for a second, but he regained his composure and looked around again. 

The woman just now was this body's mother, or he could say his mother from now on. the man called Hari is a worker in this small restaurant owned by this body's mother.

"Mausi take him to the hospital quickly, it might be heatstroke." said a customer who was wearing a white shirt, black trousers, and a thick glass. 

The voices of the customers pulled him out of the memory. 

Another customer also chimed in saying "Yes. yes. look at him coming here at this time without even an umbrella. do you not fear the sun, or do you think you have a thick skin? Mausi has only one son don't make her so worried."  

"Hey. right what's the hurry? you could have waited at home, why come out in this sweltering heat." the woman asked while frowning.

"I'm fine... Maa," replied Subham, feeling a little weird as the woman was almost close to the age he was in his previous body and also it's been a long time since he had last pronounced this word. 

The original owner of this body and he had the same name just a different surname. the reason why he came in a hurry was to ask about his marriage agreement. However, the original owner rarely denies his mom without any reason especially when there was such a big reason.

He stood up and was about to go out when his current mom asked him "Where are you going, Subham?"

"I'll be outside under the banyan tree, it's much cooler there," replied Subham.

"Okay, go ahead and rest I'll send something cool to drink for you." 

"Okay," replied Subham and walked out of that restaurant to the bench underneath the banyan tree.

In front of this restaurant is the collector's office and on the same line there are many other government offices here.

Sitting here is much cooler than sitting inside the restaurant, he began to think about his life from here on as a major event has been finalized for the original owner of this body. 

Now thinking about this he feels a little headache, although in his past life, he had two or three fixed-bed partners, he has never been married even though he was already over 30 years old. 

But the biggest problem for him now is that he is not marrying a woman. it's a man, a man who can birth, to a twin, who has two sets of organs in his body both male and female. it's not even a man, it's a freaking child for God's sake and that boy is only 15 years old, that's not an age to get married but to play around with friends, study, and do things who get married at such an age? even the government allows it. 

This marriage feels like a crime, the original owner himself is old but if he does not agree to this marriage the boy's fate will not be too well in the future.

Now because of a misunderstanding he has to marry that boy otherwise I don't know what consequences the boy will face.

The original owner of this body had never seen that boy he had only heard about him. The original owner is an excellent student, winning all kinds of scholarships and competitions so he's pretty popular with those aunties. the other boy's name is also discussed from time to time as he's also an excellent student like the original owner but because the boy has lived in the hostel all these years, he has not seen him yet.

Although Subham himself loves children it's never in a romantic way. that boy could be his son, but now it's a little wife it's horrible to think about it.

In the memory of the original owner, in this world and this era, it's perfectly normal to marry at this age but he still feels uncomfortable. Moreover, here marriageable age for both men and women is 18 while it's 15 for twins. to lower the mortality rate government had to make this decision. because the twin's fertility rate is not as high as a woman's and he's more delicate than a woman and most of the twins are particularly beautiful so it's hard for the working-class family to protect them from all kinds of harm at all times. so, more and more poor families choose to kill their twin children. only a few people could treasure their twin children without discrimination. now the situation is a little better. all in all, the government could not be blamed for this entirely.

Subham heaved a long sigh, he never faced such a complicated situation even in the research base or Army. 

Well, there's no point dwelling over it since his mom has already agreed.

At this time Hari brought over a glass of lemonade to the bench under the banyan tree, where he was sitting in the shade thinking about his life's major event.

"Chote Malik, here is the lemonade Mausi prepared for you also take this umbrella and go home, Musi told you to go home and don't be outside in this weather otherwise she will be worried." 

"Okay Hari Dada, I'll go back after finishing this glass of drink," replied Subham while taking it over and gulping it down as he was already thirsty this cold lemonade did quench his thirst.

After drinking he handed over the glass to Hari, opened the umbrella, and went on his way to his new home recalling the way through the original owner's memory.

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