7. The Day Of The Wedding

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The surroundings were completely dark, Subham walked ahead in the tunnel toward the source of light. Subham walked for a long time before he reached the end of the tunnel.

After coming out of the tunnel there were no roads ahead but what came into view was a castle shrouded by black mist.

The scene before him changed rapidly and he reached a room where he saw a man saying something to him. However, he couldn't hear him at all, even the air around him felt suffocating.

He was being pulled by an unknown force, but he didn't know, where he was being thrown.

"Ugh..." A man's groaning voice came from the side of the mattress, which woke up Subham.

the first thing Subham notices after opening his eyes is the scene of Devdutta being stepped on his back by two little boys, not to mention that another little girl was pulling Raghav's hair as if commanding a horse. The other two men were sleeping on the bed each of them almost made the bed a frame for capturing 'sleeping men with strange posture' art.

A small girl was lying on his chest looking at him quietly, this was Uncle Anthony's child. He picked up the girls got up from the ground and pulled out the two boys who were still jumping on Devdutta.

"Julia, how did you come here?" Subham asked the girl lying on his chest.

Julia took her time; Subham did not urge her he knew she was a little slow in everything. Julia replied slowly, "Nani told us to wake you up."

"Who the hell gets up at 5 a.m.?" Kartik Roared.

"Watch your language there are children here," Anand said from the side while rubbing his messed-up hair.

"That's it. Now get up. Don't complain like a spoiled brat, aren't you ashamed? These little kids got up earlier than you." Raghav also woke up from the ground and started his usual parenting.

"You just wait and watch. These little kids would be asleep like a piece of log in the afternoon, I know these little devils well. just like my youngest brother, they don't let you sleep peacefully." Kartik replied resentfully.

"I still don't get your point, what were you guys doing outside the house like thieves? Be thankful that you weren't beaten last night." Subham asked while putting Julia on the sofa.

"Brother, don't even talk about it. We thought it was a community area, so we quarreled with this old uncle. We were upset that he wasn't letting us in. Who knew that this whole area is your house." Devdutta wailed as he watched everyone getting up and going outside to wash up.

"Raghav, why don't you throw your phone outside?" Subham asked Raghav.

"Why should I?" Raghav retorted.

"You could have called me last night when you reached here." Subham went out as he spoke.

"Ho! Tell me Anand didn't we call him last night? Brother you need to check your phone how many missed calls there are." Raghav followed behind while taking the two little girls out of the room.

Subham also thought about it, because it was a keypad phone which was small and there was no internet service in it. So, he didn't think much about not having his cell phone with him.

"Nani take care of these children, we need to wash up now." Raghav handed over the child to an old woman while going to the backyard.

Five of them were in the backyard brushing their teeth, when Devdutta asked "Why are you getting married so hastily? I had to run with my luggage as soon as I got your call."

"Is it an arranged marriage or a love marriage?" Kartik teased him while brushing his teeth.

"Stop being disgusting, spit out the foams before you speak," Anand said disgustedly.

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