(4) Judgement's Affection

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Sae and Tae walked together through the calm of Inokashira Park, silently admiring the quiet of the area. The cool night breeze meant that there was a slight choppiness to the otherwise warm spring air of the day. The trees swayed slightly in the wind as their leaves began coming back into season. The two women found themselves sat on a bench overlooking the large pond, the moon handing overhead as they simply admired the view.

"You know, this is nice. Honestly I wasn't sure what to expect when you asked me out here, but...this is really peaceful." Tae looked up slightly at Sae's eyes, her orbs of reddish brown vacuums which entranced the doctor into her date's soft stare.

"Thank you Tae-san. All the same, I was incredibly nervous about all of this. Honestly I didn't even know if you liked women before I asked you out," Sae admitted. After their conversation at the sushi bar, she considered how she'd somehow ended up here.

"Well we're all full of surprises, aren't we Sae-san. Dating's been something I feel good about with men and women, even if it's been quite a while since the last time I've been on the scene. Probably haven't been on an actual date like this since I started medical school. To think, 28 and I haven't been on a romantic outing since college."

"If it makes you feel better, this is my first date since middle school."

"You're kidding! You?! But you're so..."

"Oh people have tried, yes, but back then I was still confused about everything. And when my father passed away, my career and my sister took priority over dating. It's been so nice to be out and about with someone again."

"I know the feeling," Tae sympathized. "You know, Amamiya-kun was right about you, Sae. You really are a great person." She smiled and looked at the former prosecutor with wonder in her brown eyes. Sae could see a pink blush begin overtaking the doctor's cheeks as she herself began heating up once more.

"T-thank you Tae." Sae smiled at the doctor as they continued to peer off at the night sky. A lingering thought inside of Sae's mind began to take hold at that moment. Here she was, alone in a beautiful park with her stunning date as the full moon shone brightly overhead. She could only think about one thing right now.

'Damn do I want to kiss her.'

Sae mentally slapped herself back to the present. She couldn't just ask that! From what she had seen on TV and from experience, kissing was for when the two people got to know each other a lot better. Yet under the cover of the night sky and her dark hair glistening a deep blue hue from the light, Sae's thoughts began to change. This entire week, she'd been doing things she'd never thought possible. She'd asked her sister for help, gotten contact info from her sister's boyfriend, actually gone on a date with a gorgeous, skilled, and kind woman, and now was sitting in pure bliss as the evening swept along. Sae finally came to a decision.

'Oh to hell with it!'

"Tae..?" Sae asked. The doctor turned her head to look at the slightly taller woman. "Can I kiss you?"

Tae's cheeks suddenly turned a deep red. The usually calm and composed death doctor had to pull herself together as she looked back at the elder Niijima, a coy smile across her soft features.


As she said that, Sae felt her hand slowly come to rest on Tae's chin before pulling it up to meet hers. She slowly closed her eyes at their lips made contact. And oh it was bliss. Sae melted into the kiss as she took in the pure feeling of ecstasy that awoke in her. The feeling of Tae's cherry red lipstick meshing with her own red lips as they continued their passionate kiss. The two were in heaven, the world disappearing as the two only had their eyes on one another.

Eventually the two women had to come up for air as they broke the kiss, breathing heavily. The two looked at each other with complete adoration, Tae's chocolate brown eyes peering into Sae's crimson red. The two women looked away bashfully, red coming to absorb their features as the reality of their interaction began setting in more. However, neither looked embarrassed. Sae looked at the doctor who had the biggest grin on her face, her fingertips tapping at her lips as if their way still a lingering feeling of the former prosecutor's lips still there. Sae smiled her widest smile as she stepped up, offering a hand to Yongen's local doctor.

"Shall I walk you home then doctor?" Sae asked, a hint of her past confidence shining through.

"Why certainly, miss attorney. Lead the way." Tae and Sae then began their walk to the train station, their hands gently coming together and their fingers intertwining along the way.

After a while, the couple reached Tae's home. It was only a short walk away from her clinic in Yongen. She could've sworn she'd also seen Sakura-san's home as the two walked down the street to Takemi's house.

"Well Sae, thank you for tonight. Hope I can see you again sometime then." Tae smiled at the woman as she stood in the doorway, Sae remaining outside as she saw her date back inside.

"Of course, Tae. And I look forward to our next excursion. I had a lot of fun. Have a good night then." Sae began to turn and head home when she was stopped by a hand in her shoulder. Turning to see what it was, Tae gave her a peck in the lips before heading back inside.

"See you around Niijima," Tae finished with a wink as she headed back inside her apartment. Sae's fingers came up to her lips as she smiled. She'd have to thank Makoto and Ren for their help getting here. The eldest Niijima smiled as she began her walk back to the station.

She'd definitely have to make another appointment with the back-alley doctor very soon.

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