(5) The Fool's Aftermath

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Tae woke up to the blinding morning light seeping through her bedroom window, curtains pulled aside from her viewing of the neighborhood the previous night. She smiled as she thought back to the evening she'd spent with the elder Niijima sister, their kiss under the light of the full moon still resonating in her mind. Part of her was disappointed the lawyer hadn't stayed the night, but there was always future dates.

'Future dares...that's...'

She thought back to the previous week when she'd messaged Ren, anking him what he knew about Sae as the image of the silver-haired woman ingrained itself in her mind. She didn't know why. She'd dated pretty women before, but something about the way Sae carried herself, with that air of confidence and pride eminating from her, struck a cord with Tae. She could feel that same want for justice she'd seen in Ren's eyes once she had realized the boy's true identity as a phantom thief.

Sae had looked beautiful to the punk doctor when she'd walked into Takemi's clinic, eyes sturdy and focused as if the woman was on a dedicated mission. Once Sae looked at Tae, though, her expression seemed to soften drastically, a light blush forming on both of their faces as they peered at one another over Tae's desk.

Tae knew she thought Sae was hot, and in that instance, she felt the younger woman thought the same of her. Tae was never the best at long-term relationships, not many partners wishing to date 'the plague,' so she never actively sought out a dedicated lover. However, something about Sae made her want to keep digging, ending up with her texting Ren late one night asking about Sae.

She looked at the messages she sent the boy.

TT: Hey my little guinea pig
TT: What do you know about a Sae Niijima?
TT: Your girlfriend related to her?

RA: Oh, Niijima-san?
RA: Yeah, she's Makoto's sister. Acted as my attorney when I was put in Juvie after Shido
RA: Why do you ask?

TT: Well, she came into my clinic today for an examination.
TT: Said it was for her work.
TT: And, well, she was interesting.

RA: Why Takemi-san, this doesn't sound very professional. I expected better from you doctor.

Tae could almost feel the boy's smug grin as he wrote that. Though quiet and kind, Ren was definitely the teasing type. She felt some pity for Ren's girlfriend. She was sure the boy took every opportunity to tease Makoto.

TT: Shush. But yes, she was very attractive. My question remains: what do you know?

From there Tae remembered what Ren had said about Niijima: a courageous young woman who cared deeply for Makoto despite their strained relationship, and how the Phantom Thieves helped her see the error of her distorted ways. Tae was enraptured by the younger woman after Ren told her about Sae. Despite the former prosecutor's general nervousness, Tae could still tell the woman was very confident in everything she did.

Tae returned her gaze to her phone and sent Ren a quick text.

TT: Hey kid, thanks for the stuff with Niijima.
TT: Date went great. She's something alright.
TT: Though I guess I shouldn't tell that to a kid, should I?
TT: Stop by next time you're in town.

She put her phone back on the nightstand and went to get ready for the day. She had to open the clinic soon, even if the normally chilled doctor would rather message her new girlfriend all day.


Ren smirked as he looked at the new messages from Takemi thanking him for his advice. He quickly swapped over to his girlfriend's messaging and sent her a text.

RA: Told you it'd work Makoto
RA: Takemi's always been a charmer. Seems like her and Sae-san hit it off, too.

It didn't take long for Makoto to message him back.

MN: Seems like our little operation worked out then. I'm glad to see sis so happy again, even if we did need to embarrass her first.
MN: I hope it works out for them. Thank you for this Ren.

RA: Anything for you, my queen.

The former leader of the Phantom Thieves smiled, knowing that his girlfriend was blushing at his comment. He put his phone away and went back to getting ready.

The judge's date with death felt like the start to a great partnership between the two women. All it took was a fool and his queen.

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