I love to give joy to people

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The first story

It was dark inside the barn, but the outlines of objects were visible. Damhan walked on, under another canopy of cobwebs, and Ned followed. He found himself in a bright hall, with silver swing chairs, many curly flowers on the walls, and a marvelous view beyond the large semicircular windows: a garden, a blossom valley, a great river or sea, and a sky filled with stars and galaxies, as if this view were in space. Ned stared at the unusual picture. Everything was bright, but only in black and white. Damhan waved his hand and bright colors flooded the view. Ned exhaled delightedly.
The monster immediately pulled the man to him by the neck and kissed him, trying to devour the delight. Something sparklingly delicious overshadowed even the rapture. Damhan groaned at the unexpected pleasure and recoiled in amazement, staring inquisitively into Ned's eyes.
– Who are you?
Ned shrugged his shoulders.
– You've already asked. A human.
– Why can't I take the emotion out of you completely? Why is there something in you that others don't have?
– Well, maybe because you've only met people who carry other people's emotions, and I have my own? – Ned grinned.

I love to give joy to people, AlbireoMKG


The second story

Light rained down in bits of heavy time and things slowed for once and for all, on the planet Earth. The stock market fell too, slow and low, in harmony with the hallucinatory killer meteor from outer space. Scientests noted it split three ways as it fell, then devolved into smaller and smaller bits, which sunk lovingly into and through the gravity well. Bits and pieces popped as they hit atmosphere, and the other meteors, the largish, still whole ones, began to sing in high harmonics as they imploded every last facet of the protector, the great Iron Dome. And the three remaining fragments, their baby meteorites, and millions of miles of micro/macro meteor dust, descended. The light came then, from all that matter hitting the atmosphere. It had a different kind of aura, thick and strange. We watched the sky fall, like streamers from a child's hand, and then the light broke us open. Translucent things wept into shallow hands and sung us hollow songs. The falling stars broke the world. There is nothing left of us but ghosts.

Author metamage

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