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"I was at Josan's," Sherd leaned back against the wall.
The men settled down at a table in the corner, like a forgotten world. "Little Place" had plenty of those, giving the illusion of silence and privacy.
"Oh, well. Good," Ladzoy seemed pleased at Sherd's words. Kan's attorney was cautiously surprised.
"He told me you were a traitor."
Ladzoy smiled and redirected the smile to the wave that brought the order, though it was inanimated and mindless.
"Try it, it's delicious," Ladzoy placed the plate in front of Sherd and continued: – "A traitor, Sherd, is someone who was on one side and then switched sides. And I've always been on Katana's side. So I've never betrayed my side.

I'm here, AlbireoMKG

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